Are you a teacher? No, . A. I am B. I’m not C. I’m 查看更多




--Excuse me, are you a teacher?


A. Yes, I am. B. No, I'm not. C. I'm a girl.


1. 当你麻烦别人或想让别人替你做某事时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Sorry.
B. All right.
C. Excuse me.
D. I'm sorry.
2. 你告诉别人要爱惜花草,应该说:

[     ]

A. The flowers is beautiful. You should love them.
B. The flowers and we are friends, we should look after them.
C. You should not pick the flowers.
D. You should pick the flowers and give them to the teacher.
3. 同学John发表了对某事的看法,你不认同,可以说:

[     ]

A. I am in agreement with you.
B. I agree with you.
C. You're right.
D. I don't think so.
4. 你邀请别人吃东西时,你会说:

[     ]

A. No, thanks. I'd like some bananas.
B. Have some bananas, please.
C. These bananas are delicious.
D. That's right.
5. 告诉别人今天的日期,可以说:

[     ]

A. It is 2011, Feb. 2nd.
B. It is Feb. 2nd, 2011.
C. It was 2011, Feb. 2nd.
D. It was Feb. 2nd, 2011.


(     ) 1. A. Nice to meet you. 
     B. I’m sorry to hear that.
     C. You’re very sorry.
     D. You can’t come out.
(     ) 2. A. Yes, it is.
     B. Yes, it’s right.
     C. Thank you.
     D. No, it’s so bad.
(     ) 3. A. I’m going to go to the zoo.
     B. I am doing my homework.
     C. I want to be a teacher.
     D. I like playing soccer.
(     ) 4. A. Sunday.
     B. Spring.
     C. August.
     D. Sunny.
(     ) 5. A. Not at all.
     B. No, you can't.
     C. It’s a pleasure.
     D. Of course, Here you are.


(T = Teacher  W = Wang Hai)
T: Who's on duty today?
W: I am. 
T: Who isn't here today?
W: Wang Yang.
T: Aren't you Wang Yang?
W: No, I'm not. I'm Wang Hai. I'm his brother. We are twins. 
T: Oh, sorry. I don't know you are twins. But where is Wang Yang?
W: He is ill. He is at home. Can I look after him in the afternoon, Mr Li?
T: Sure.
W: Thank you.
      1__________ is on duty today. He and his 2__________ are twins. But Wang Yang 3__________
4__________ today. He is 5__________. Wang Hai will go and look after 6__________ this 7__________.
(     ) 1. A. Wang Yang
(     ) 2. A. friend   
(     ) 3. A. are      
(     ) 4. A. at school
(     ) 5. A. ill      
(     ) 6. A. they     
(     ) 7. A. morning  
B. Wang Hai
B. class
B. aren't 
B. in the office
B. young 
B. him
B. evening     
C. Mr Li
C. brother
C. doesn't
C. over there
C. pretty
C. her
C. afternoon
D. Twins
D. sister
D. isn't
D. at home                                                    
D. fine
D. mine
D. night 

