narrow 6.child 查看更多



Look and read. Find the correct word and write it on the line.

a taxi a postcard a suitcase a tent an airport medicine chocolate jam a spider insects a dictionary a factory flour


You can go anywhere you want when you get on this. a taxi

1.You often write a short letter on it and send it to other people without an envelope. ________

2.You carry your clothes and other things in this when you go on holiday somewhere. ________

3.People can fly to a lot of different places from here. ________

4.Most of them have got six legs, and some of them can fly. ________

5.Things like cars are made here. ________

6.You can make cake pasta, and pizza with it. ________

7.You take it when you are not feeling well, which can help you feel better. ________

8.You sleep in this when you camp somewhere. ________

9.It is used to look up the new words which you don't know. ________

10.It is a kind of brown or black candy which tastes sweet. ________










4.A.I want a pair of shoes.

B.I want to go to the shoe store.

5.A.Where's the science museum?

B.We have science class.





(  )1.A.By bike.

B.By the No.11 bus.

C.By the No.7 bus.

(  )2.A.Near the bookstore.

B.Near the school.

C.By bike.

(  )3.A.The 2nd floor.

B.The 3rd floor.

C.The 12th floor.

(  )4.A.Yes, there is.

B.No, there isn't.

C.No, it isn't.

(  )5.A.Yes, I do.

B.I go to the post office.

C.No, I don't.

(  )6.A.Guilin.

B.Next weekend.

C.By train.


Today it's Saturday.I'm going to ________ my grandparents ________ ________.I go there ________ subway.Their home is ________ ________ the Science________.I ________ left at the ________ ________, then go ________.Their home is on the left.


My father is asking the way to the bus stop.I'm very hungry now.We are going to the East Hotel to eat something.

[)]________ ________ [%:]________ ________ [!:]________ ________



Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.


basement        balcony


cinema        supermarket


library        island


forest       bus station


You can buy many kinds of things there. supermarket

1.People in apartments like to sit here in hot weather. ________

2.This is the place for you to borrow books you want. ________

3.People go there to watch films. ________

4.It is a bottom room of the house. ________

5.This is a place in the sea or in a lake. Pirates sometimes live there. ________

6.This is a place with lots of trees. ________




Dear Mark.Now let me tell you how to get to the ________.Tale a No.2bus near our school and get off at the________.________ ________ on and ________ ________ at the first ________ lights.________ you can see a big building on the ________.That's it.________ remember and come on time.


1.A.Today is my birthday.

B.I'm twelve years old.

C.My birthday is on Saturday.

2.A.You can walk to the hospital at the cinema.

B.Take a No.1 bus from the hospital, then you can get to the cinema.

C.The cinema is far from the hospital.

3.A.There is a hospital and a library on the map.

B.The post office is to the east of the library.

C.The post office is big and new.

4.A.I can go to the park on foot.

B.The post office is to the south of the park.

C.You can go to the post office by bus.

5.A.You can't go to my home by bus.It's too far.

B.My house is a white building.

C.There is a bus stop near my home.

6.A.I want to go to the shoe store after school.

B.I want to go to the bookstore after school.

C.I can go to the bookstore after school by myself.


The fat cat has a big bag.It's on its head.There are seven pens and a pencil in it.We can't catch the cat.It's very heavy and sad.

[-]head ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

[$]fat________ ________ ________ ________ ________



Look and read. Write T or F.


Three girls and one boy are playing soccer.  T  

The monsters have got two legs.   F  


1.One of the monsters is flying. ________

2.The monster inside the clossroom is hoppy. ________

3.A girl is throwing o ball. She is behind the blue monster. ________

4.The monsters have got longer legs than the children. ________

5.The man is drinking from a glass. ________

6.One of the monsters loves the girl with brown hair. ________

