1.友谊大街25号 查看更多




a play b two c no d football e time f idea g let’s h school

1.A:What’s the ________ now, Liu Tao?

B:It’s ________ o’clock

A:Time to go to ________.

2.A:Do you play baseball?

B:________, I don’t.

A:What do you ________?

B:I play ________

A:________ go and play football now.

B:Good ________.Let’s go.


看图, 选择正确答案。

This is a _____.

A. pencil  B. pencil box  C. pencil sharpener  


Read the passage and choose the correct answer

  Many children like to watch TV because there are many interesting programmes on TV  (1)  they don't know watching TV for a long time is bad for their eyes.

   (2) we look at the children around us, we can see many children wearing glasses even at six or seven years old.  (3) parents and teachers should tell them not to keep watching TV for a long time.

  TV programmes are interesting  (4)  children can learn a lot from these programmes, but we should take good care of our eyes.


[  ]

A.But  B.Because  C.So


[  ]

A.If  B.Because  C.But


[  ]

A.If  B.So  C.Because


[  ]

A.because  B.but  C.and


Look, choose the correct one(看图,选择正确的图)

I can draw a .

[  ]

A.snail  B.dolphin  C.ruler


Read and choose the best answer

He ________ swimming in the sea.

[  ]

A.like  B.likes  C.likes to

