sheep--- 22.child--- 24.woman--- 26.kangaroo--- 27.potato--- 28.class--- --- 30.tomato --- 31.zoo--- 33.factory --- 34.peach --- 35.machine--- 36.crisp--- 37.bag --- 38.hand --- puter--- 查看更多



Look and read. Find the correct word and write it on the line.

a chemist's an onion a mountain a journalist flowers a sofa a stamp a bath a shark butter geography a diary a monkey a snake history

Example: It is a soft thing to sit in. a sofa

1.You might cry when you cut this into small pieces. ________

2.You go there to buy medicine, and you can sometimes buy soap and tooth brushes there, too. ________

3.Some people write it everyday to remember important things happened on that day. ________

4.They smell nice and you put them in a vase. ________

5.This is made from the milk of cows, sheep or goats. ________

6.It is a meat eater which live in the sea and has sharp teeth. ________

7.It is a subject which lets us learn about weather and environment. ________

8.You can climb it. Then you can see a lot from the top. ________

9.It must be glued on top corner of an envelope or a postcard before being sent to someone. ________

10.It's an animal which can climb trees quickly and swing from trees to trees. ________


Look at the examples, read and label the words

——accountable words (可数名词)

——unaccountable words (不可数名词)

Example:knife  chalk

(1)oil ________  (2)beef ________  (3)meat ________

(4)boat ________  (5)flour ________  (6)sheep ________

(7)mango ________  (8)star ________  (9)bread

(10)rice ________


Look at the picture and read the questions. Write one-word answers(看图回答问题,用一个单词回答)

(1)What animals are in the river(河)?   ________

(2)What animals are next to the house?  ________

(3)How many sheep are there?        ________

(4)How many hens are there?       ________


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a dinosaur a mechanic an octopus a farmer chopsticks a comb a knife a camel a snack a towel a swan soap a pilot insects butter


This person works in the countryside, and often sells food to markets. a farmer

1.You can use these to eat a bowl of rice. ________

2.If you have a problem with your car this person will help you. ________

3.You use this for washing when you are dirty. ________

4.These have six legs and some of them can fly. ________

5.This is often white with a long neck, and can swim and fly. ________

6.When you are hungry you can eat this between meals. ________

7.This is made from the milk of cows, sheep and goats. ________

8.This lived a long time ago and is now extinct. ________

9.You can use this when your hair is untidy. ________

10.This has eight legs and lives in the sea. ________


Look and read. Choose the correct word and write it on the line.

There is one example.


a town       mountains


a cup        stairs


the world        abottle


a farm        a zoo


You can drink tea in this.    cup  


1.More people live here than in a village. ________

2.People like climbing these in the holidays. ________

3.You can buy lemonade in this. ________

4.You find animals like cows and sheep here. ________

5.You need these to go up to the second floor. ________

6.It is big and round and we all live there. ________

