Now, let’s count. One, Two,there-.. Oh, six A.wolfs B. wolvs C. wolves 查看更多




It's _____ now. Let's go out to make a snowman.

A. raining  B. snowing  C. windy


1. I often help Mary         her Chinese.  
2. The vet takes care of all kinds         animals.  
3. There         a lot of orange in the bottle.  
4.         girls and boys in the USA enjoy playing the game.  
5. I have some news         you.  
6. There         any storybooks in my bag.  
7. Are there         desks and chairs there? Yes , there are a lot of.  
8. There      some white sheep under the tree.  
9. I have two new friends.  One is from Britain.                 is from Japan.  
10. Now, let's do it         group.  


A: Good morning.
B: Good morning. What are you   1   now?
A: I'm     2    
B: Running?What's     3     with you bike?
A: It's    4   . Could you mend it?
B: Yes. I can. But now let's    5   games. 
A: OK. What    6   the Frisbee (飞盘游戏)?
B: Good. Can you    7   it?
A: Yes, I can. Throw it    8   this.
B: No, you are    9   . Do it like this.
A: I know. It's very    10  
1. ________  2. ________  3. ________  4. ________  5. ________
6. ________  7. ________  8. ________  9. ________  10. ________



A: Good morning.       
B: Good morning. What are you    1    now?   
A: I'm     2    
B: Running? What's    3    with your bike?    
A: It's    4   . Could you mend it?        
B: Yes, I can. But now let's    5    games.      
A: OK. What     6    a frisbee (飞盘) ?    
B: Good. Can you    7    it?    
A: Yes, I can. Throw it    8    this.     
B: No, you are    9   . Do it like this.     
A: I know. It's very   10   .
1.                  2.                3.                  4.                  5.               
6.                  7.                8.                  9.                 10.             


Jenny: Yesterday we bought gifts. Today we are putting up the Christmas tree. Tomorrow is Christmas. 
          We are going to open our gifts. Let's invite Danny to help us put up the tree.
Li Ming: Okay!
Jenny: Hello, Danny. Would you like to help us put up our Christmas tree?
Danny: Great!
Jenny: It's fun to put up a Christmas tree! First, we put on the lights. Then we put Christmas things on the tree.
           Hi, Danny! Would you like to put the star on the tree?
Danny: Yes, the star always goes on top!
Jenny: Now let's put our gifts under the tree. There! It's done!
Li Ming: It's beautiful!
1. What did Jenny do yesterday?
2. What are they going to do today?
3. Who are they going to invite?
4. Where does the star always go?
5. What's under the tree?

