Do you want listen Chinese music? A. at B. for C. to 查看更多




What do you want to do?

A. It is Sunday

B. It is cloudy.

C. I want to go swimming.


Answer the following question(回答下面问题)

What do you want for your birthday?




--_____ do you want, Alice?

--I want some paper.

A. What B. Which C. When



Today is April 4th. Tomorrow is Mike's twelfth birthday. Mother wants to buy a nice present for him. Now they are in the toyshop.

“Do you like the little car on the shelf?” Mother asks Mike.

“Oh, yes. It's lovely,” Mike answers. “But I like the big one, too.”

“Do you want to have two?”

“Yes, Mum.”

“How much are the little car and the big car?” Mother asks the shop assistant.

“The little one is twenty-eight yuan and the big one is eighty-eight yuan,”the shop assistant answers.

“Oh, dear,” Mother says. “Where's my money? I don't bring any money. We can't buy the cars. We need money. We must go home to get some money.”

  1. How old is Mike today?
    1. He is ten. B. He is eleven. C. He is twelve.

  2. When is Mike's birthday?

    1. April 4th. B. April 5th. C. April 6th.

  3. Does Mike like the little car?

    1. Yes, he does.
    2. No. He likes the big car.
    3. Yes, but he likes the big car, too.

  4. How much are the two cars?

    1. Twenty-eight yuan.
    2. Eighty-eight yuan.
    3. A hundred and sixteen yuan.

  5. Where is Mother's money?

    1. It is at home.
    2. It is in Mother's bag.
    3. It is in Mike's bag.



--It's a holiday tommorw.

--What do you want to do?

--I want to ____ a _____.

