Are these sheep? E. Yes, they are. 查看更多



(     ) 1. How many dresses?
(     ) 2. Are these buses?
(     ) 3. Do you have three pencils?
(     ) 4. What are these?
(     ) 5. Can you see the stamps in the picture?
A. They are sheep.
B. Three.
C. No, I can't.
D. Yes, they are.
E. Yes, I do.


(     ) 1. What's the weather like today?
(     ) 2. How much are they? 
(     ) 3. What are they?
(     ) 4. Are these potatoes?
(     ) 5. Do you have a canteen?       
A. They're five yuan.
B. No, we don't.
C. It's snowy today.
D. Yes, they are.
E. They're sheep.                                                                 


. Read and match.连线
1.What's the weather like today?       A.They're five yuan
2.How much are they?                      B. No, we don't.
3.What are they?                              C.It's snowy today.
4.Are these potatoes?                       D.Yes, they are.
5.Do you have a canteen?                 E. They're sheep.


Read and choose. (选择正确的句子填空,使对话通顺,将序号写在横线上)
A: Welcome to my farm.
B: 1.___________________
A: Look. These are tomatoes.
B: They are big and red. 2.____________________
A: Yes, they are.
B: Do you have many animals?
A: Yes. This way, please.
B: 3.___________________
A: No, they're goats.
B: Do you have any horses?
A: 4.____________________ Let's count together.
A&B: 5._____________________
A. One, two...There are twelve.
B. Yes, I do.
C. Wow, it's so big.
D. Are they carrots?
E. Are they sheep?

