How much are the jeans? 查看更多



(     ) 1. When is your birthday?
(     ) 2. How much are your jeans?
(     ) 3. What's the weather like in Sydney?
(     ) 4. May I have a look?
(     ) 5. What are the lions doing?
A. They're 120 yuan.
B. Sure, here you are.
C. They are fighting.
D. It's October 1st.
E. It's cold and snowy.


1. 你去买东西时,营业员会对你说:
[     ]
A. How much is it?
B. The shirt is pretty.
C. Can I help you?
2. 当你想问价钱时,应该说:
[     ]
A. What time is it?
B. How much is it?
C. How many?
3. 你想问北京的天气情况,应该说:
[     ]
A. What's that?
B. Is it windy today?
C. What's the weather like in Beijing?
4. 你想说明那是你的牛仔裤,可以说:
[     ]
A. Those are my jeans.
B. That's my jeans.
C. It's my pants.


(     ) 1. Where are my shoes?
(     ) 2. What 's the weather like today?
(     ) 3. What colour is the clock?
(     ) 4. How much are the jeans?
(     ) 5. Whose is the T-shirt?
A. It's white.
B. They are in the shoe box.
C. They are 65 yuan.
D. It's Ben's.
E. It's windy today.


(     ) 1. Where are my shoes? 
(     ) 2. What's the weather like today?
(     ) 3. What colour is the clock?
(     ) 4. How much are the jeans?
(     ) 5. Whose is it T-shirt?         
A. It's Ben's.
B. It's windy today. 
C. It's white. 
D. They are in the shoe box.                                                  
E. They are 65 yuan.         


Read and tick“√”or“×”. (阅读下面的这封信,判断对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”)
Dear Uncle,
    Thank you for the new jeans. They are very pretty. It's cool in Beijing.  I can wear
my jeans and sweater. I have a pair of new sneakers. It's cheap. My old sneakers are
too small. Today is grandma's birthday (生日). I want to buy some apples for my
grandma. She likes apples very much.  What's the weather like at the farm? Is it warm?
How many ducks are there?
    Please write to me soon.
(     )1. It's cool in Beijing.
(     )2. John can wear his jeans.
(     )3. John's old sneakers are too big.
(     )4. Today is John's birthday.
(     )5. John's uncle has a farm.

