C. She’s at the party. ( ) 2. I’d like . A. apple B. banana C. mango ( ) 3. I have kilos of grapes. A. three B. four C. five ( ) 4. The man in a white shirt is my . A. father B. uncle C. grandfather ( ) 5. the girl? A. What’s B, Whose C. Who’s D. How’s ( ) 6. How old is she ? She’s . A. 31 B. 13 C. 30 D. 33 笔试部分 一. 将下列单词按要求归类. farmer, supermarket, plane, black, skirt, hospital, grape, white, dress, bus, mango, engineer, A.颜色 B. 水果 C.职业 D. 场所 E.服装 F. 交通工具 二. 请根据中文提示完成词组. 1. 一位新学生 a new 2. 她的祖母 her 3. 你的朋友们 your 4. 一些桔子 some 5. 一位老工人 old 6. 穿着白袜子 socks 三. 请按要求写出下列各词. 1. who’s 2. policeman 3. peach 4. they are 5. are not 四.选择题. Is she your teacher? A. Yes, she’s. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she is. 2. ( )The boy the tree is my friend. A. on B. at C. in 3.( )Mr Green is mother`s brother. He’s my . A. brother B. uncle C. aunt 4. ( ) bike is it ? A. Who’s B. Who C. Whose 5. ( )---Can I help you? ---Some , please. A. strawberry B. strawberrys C. strawberries 6.( ) What’s his job? . A. I’m a cook. B. He’s a cook. C. She is a cook. 7.( ) Are you new doctors? Yes, . A. I am B. we are C. we’re 8.( ) What their jobs? A. are B. is C. am 9.( ) What’s the job ? She is a nurse. A. man’s B. woman’s C. her father’s 10. ( ) ? Two kilos, please. A. How many kilo? B. How much kilos? C. How many kilos? 11.( ) What these ? apples. A. are, It’s B. is , It’s C. are, They’re 12.( ) 你想知道对方的年龄,可以问: A. How are you today ? B. How old are you ? 13. ( ) 汤姆要买草莓, 他会说: A. I’d like some strawberries. B. Sorry, are they strawberries? 14.( ) 你想知道对方是否是医生,可以说: A. Are you a doctor? B. You are a teacher. 15.( ) 对来访的客人表示欢迎,可以说: A. Welcome in my home. B. Welcome to my home. 五.句子配对. 1. Excuse me, are you a teacher ? A. They’re pears. ( )2. What are those? B. The tall one. ( ) 3. How many kilos would you like? C. Five, please. ( ) 4. We are late for the party. D. Five yuan. ( )5. How old are you? E. Some lemons, please. ( )6. How much are they ? F. I’m ten. ( )7. Can I help you ? G. Yes, let’s hurry. ( )8. Which man is a cook? H. No, I’m a engineer. 六. 看图, 把句子补充完整. 1. A: Good morning, Liu Gang. B: morning, Wang Ping. A: Who’s with long hair ? B: my aunt. 2. How many people (人) are there in this family ? There are . Is Li Hua’s grandfather old ? Yes, . Is Li Gao a teacher ? No, a . What’s Ding Ying’s job ? She’s a . 七. 连词成句. 1. small, the , eyes, boy, who’s with ? 2. sister, is , your, that, girl? 3. some, like, I’d, grapes. 4. over what those are there ? 查看更多



(     ) 1. How old are you?                     
(     ) 2. What's the matter?                  
(     ) 3. Where is your mother?                
(     ) 4. Who's the boy?                      
(     ) 5. Will you come to my birthday party?  
A. Sure.              
B. He's my brother.    
C. She's at home.      
D. I'm ten years old.                                        
E. I hurt my hand.     



Who's she?

A. She is my sister.

B. She is an engineer.

C. She is at home.


      This is our classroom. It's not big, but it's very nice. The walls are 1___________ and the desks and chairs
are new. On the wall there is a 2___________ and we can find Beijing, Shanghai and Hangzhou in it. There are
some 3___________ on the teacher's desk. They are for our 4___________, MissGao. She is a good teacher and
we all like her.
      I'm on 5___________ today. I come to school early. I help my teacher 6___________ her books, maps 
and pictures on her 7___________. I tell her everyone is here. But I'm 8___________. Liu Mei is not at
9___________. I don't know 10___________ she is. But I think she's at home.
(     ) 1. A. old  
(     ) 2. A. map  
(     ) 3. A. games
(     ) 4. A. friend
(     ) 5. A. line 
(     ) 6. A. know 
(     ) 7. A. desk 
(     ) 8. A. good 
(     ) 9. A. there
(     ) 10. A. what
B. same
B. clock
B. numbers
B. daughter
B. duty
B. find 
B. bike 
B. young
B. home    
B. which     
C. fine
C. kite
C. flowers
C. mother
C. turn
C. put 
C. chair
C. right
C. table
C. where    
D. white
D. photo
D. lights
D. teacher
D. time 
D. give
D. floor
D. wrong                                                     
D. school
D. how   


(     ) 1. A. desk               
(     ) 2. A. box 
(     ) 3. A. Mr Green
(     ) 4. A. Can you see the
(     ) 5. A. He's at home today.
B. cakes
B. books 
B. Miss Read 
B. Can you spell
    " map " ?
B. She's at school today.
C. next
C. maps
C. Mrs Green
C. Is this your cup?

C. They're not here today.
D. picture
D. looks
D. Mr Read
D. Are those maps?

D. Everyone is here today.


      Jenny 1_______ looking out the window of the train. What 2_______ she see? She is pointing 3_______ a 
little red school. Does Danny see 4_______? No, Danny  isn't looking out the window. Danny is 5_______. He 
is singing a song to 6_______ mother. The baby is loud, 7_______. He is 8_______. The woman behind Li Ming
is the baby's mother. 9_______ is singing to the baby. Now the baby is 10_______.
(     ) 1. A. am     
(     ) 2. A. is     
(     ) 3. A. at     
(     ) 4. A. it     
(     ) 5. A. quick  
(     ) 6. A. Jenny  
(     ) 7. A. to     
(     ) 8. A. cry    
(     ) 9. A. She    
(     ) 10. A. sleeps
B. is     
B. am      
B. of      
B. them    
B. slow    
B. Jenny's 
B. also          
B. crys        
B. Her     
B. sleeping

C. are    
C. do      
C. in      
C. its     
C. quiet   
C. Jennys  
C. too           
C. crying     
C. She's   
C. to sleep

D. be  
D. does 
D. with 
D. they 
D. loud 
D. Jennys'
D. two  
D. cries
D. Her's                                                   
D. sleep

