at woman that look (.) 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

One day Sally and Paul Smith were playing in the street when they saw a woman. She was carrying a big envelope in her hand and she walked quickly into their house. The words on the envelope were “VERY IMPORTANT”. The woman gave it to their father.


What's Sally's brother's name? Paul Smith

1.Where were Sally and Paul playing? ________

2.Whom was the letter to? ________

Their father opened the letter and looked very happy. “Come here,” he said to their mother, “Look at this!” “What's this?” Sally and Paul asked.

“We've won a competition.” Their mother answered. “We have won a holiday!” “We are going to stay in a hotel in London and we are going to visit lots of interesting places. What we need are only four tickets to get there!”

3.How did their father feel when he read the letter? ________

4.What have they won in the competition? ________

5.Where are they going to live in London? ________

The next day they started off. When they were in the car going to the station, Mom asked dad, “Have you got enough money?” Dad looked into his pockets. He didn't have any left, so they had to go home and get some.

They were late at the station. They saw a train, so Sally asked a woman, “Is that the fast train to London?” “No, it isn't,” she answered, “That train has already left. You might have to get the slower one.” They had to take the slower train. It was so boring.

6.How did the family get to the stations? ________

7.Which train was Sally's family too late to catch? ________


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than three words.

My name is Daisy and I'm eight. Last holiday I wanted to see my grandmother She lives in a small village by the sea. I like it there because I can swim and play on the beach. My mother took me to the bus stop and put me on the bus that went to the bus station in the town.


Mow old is Daisy? eight


1.Where is her grandmother's village? ________

2.What does Daisy like to do on the beach? ________

3.Who took Daisy to the bus stop? ________

In the bus station I had to find another bus-bus number 20. I was hungry, and I bought a chicken sandwich and some lemonade in a cafe. Then I saw the bus start so I ran and quickly jumped on. I sat next to an old woman who talked a lot. It was hot and I slept. I woke up and the bus was in another bus station, but it wasn't my grandmother's village!

4.Which number bus did Daisy need? ________

5.What did she buy to drink? ________

6.Who did Daisy sit next to? ________

7.Why did Daisy sleep? because ________

I was sitting on the wrong bus. It wasn't bus number 20. I was afraid and I started to cry. The old woman said, “What's the matter?” I told her my story. She telephoned my grandmother and then she found another bus which went to my grandmother's village. She put me on this bus and gave me some cake. I was very happy and I said,“Thank you very much”

8.Why did Daisy cry? because ________

9.Who did the old woman telephone? ________

10.What did the old woman give Daisy? ________


Look at the picture and read the sentences. Write T or F.


There are four children in the middle.  F

One of the plates is empty now. T

1.The wife isn't drinking milk and the husband isn't, either. ________

2.That's the man who is sitting in the middle of the girl and the boy. ________

3.The woman is cutting the bread with a knife in her right hand. ________

4.The box of candy is opened. ________

5.The father has got moustache above his mouth. ________

6.The girl is eating a piece of sandwich with a fork in her left hand. ________

7.Both of the man's hands are on the table. ________


      Hi! Friends. This is a photo of my family. Look at this man. He is my father. He wears a black sweater.
He likes black very much. That man is my uncle. He likes white. These girls are my sisters and me. Our
favourite colour is red. Those boys are my brothers. Their favourite colour is blue. The woman with brown
hair is my mother. She likes purple sweater. I love my family.
1. My favourite colour is _____________.
2. My mother's hair is _____________.
3. My father's sweater is _____________.
4. _____________ is my brother's favourite colour.


      An old woman is going shopping with a basket. She is going by boat. The boat is going across (穿过) the
river. Her basket is e      1        now. Oh dear! Look! Her basket is in the w      2       . " Help! my basket is in
the river."
      A boy sees the basket. He says, " Don't worry! I can g       3       it! " He takes off his shirt and shoes.
" Look a       4       them for me, please! " he says, and j       5       into the river.
      A duck sees the basket. " I can go by b      6       ." It thinks. It gets into the basket. The boy is swimming in
the river. " Where's the basket? " He asks. " It's over there! " answers the woman. " It's behind you! It's under
that d     7      ." The boy gets to the basket. " Go away! " he says to the duck. The duck comes o        8        
the basket and swims away. The b        9       takes the basket back to the woman. " Oh, thank you very much."
says the woman.
      " Not at all! " says the boy. " Do you have my shirt and shoes, please? " " Yes, here you are. Oh! What's
this in the basket? " " It's the duck's e       10       ."

