mama’re right. 查看更多



Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Draw, draw, who can draw the dog?

  I can draw the dog.

  Colour, colour, who can colour the dog?

  I can colour the dog.

  Read, read, who can read English?

  I can read English.

  Sing, sing, who can sing the song?

  I can sing the song.

  Dance, dance, who can dance with me?

  I can dance with you.




_____ father is a zoo keeper.


A. Which   B. Whose   C. Who's


Clap hands and chant it(小朋友,请你拍拍手说一说)

  Little ball, little ball.

  I have a little ball.

  I have a little ball.

  What colour is it?

  What colour is it?

  It's a purple ball.

  It's a purple ball.

  I can bounce it. I can bounce it.

  Can you? Can you?


Read the poem(朗读下面的小诗)

   A Book

  A book is a joy   书对孩子们来说

  To a girl and a boy  是高兴,是愉快

  A book is to me   书对我来说

  As a flower to a bee  就像花儿对蜜蜂一样


Look at the questions, choose the correct answers(看问题,选择正确的回答)

(1)What colour is your bike?  □

(2)What's he doing?      □

(3)What do dogs like to eat?   □

(4)Are these cats dirty?     □

(5)What are these?       □

A.He is cooking in the kitchen.

B.Mine is blue.

C.They are ducks.

D.They like to eat meat.

E.No, they aren't.

