What's your sister? E. Yes,it is. 查看更多



(     ) 1. What's your name?
(     ) 2. Is it a big lemon?
(     ) 3. Are you a student?
(     ) 4. What do you want?
(     ) 5. What animal is it?
(     ) 6. What's the matter?
(     ) 7. Who is that?
(     ) 8. Do you like hot noodles?
(     ) 9. Have some cold water! 
(     ) 10. Can you see now?
A. That is my sister.
B. Yes, I can. 
C. Thank you. 
D. No, it isn't. 
E. It is a monkey. 
F. My name is Peter. 
G. Yes, I am. 
H. My tongue hurts. 
I. Yes, I do. 
J. I want a ruler.                                                                    


(     ) 1. What is your hobby?
(     ) 2. What does your father do?
(     ) 3. Where does your mother work?
(     ) 4. Where does the rain come from?
(     ) 5. How do you go to school?
(     ) 6. Who's that woman?
(     ) 7. Does he go to work by bus?
(     ) 8. Is your sister a teacher?
A. He's a doctor.
B. She works in a bookstore.
C. I like playing football.
D. She's my teacher.
E. I go to school by bus.
F. Yes, she is.
G. No, he doesn't.
H. It comes from the clouds.


(     ) 1. Is your home far from your school?
(     ) 2. What's the temperature outside?
(     ) 3. How many dishes are there?
(     ) 4. Do you have lunch at 12: 00?
(     ) 5. Who likes to sing songs?
A. There are 7. 
B. Yes, I do.
C. No, it's about 1  kilometre.
D. My sister likes to sing songs.
E. It's eighteen degrees.


(     ) 1. What's in the classroom?
(     ) 2. Is this your bedroom?
(     ) 3. What would you like?
(     ) 4. Can I have some juice?
(     ) 5. What's your sister?    
A. I'd like some noodles. 
B. Sure. Here you are.
C. She's a nurse.
D. Two desks and ten chairs.
E. Yes, it is.        



1. Where is my skirt?    
2. What colour is it?        
3. Is this your skirt?      
4. Whose is this?        
5. How many shirts do you have?

A. I have three.
B. Yes, it is.
C. It's my sister's.
D. It's in your bag.
E. It's red.

