You’re Mr Wang. A. Yes, I’m Mr Wang. B.No, I’m Mr Wang. 查看更多




You re Mr Li.


      Mr. Black works in a hospital. As a good doctor, people in the town like him. He's often kind to patients
(病人) and looks them over carefully. But he's always busy and has little time to rest.
      One morning Mr. Black got to the hospital and saw a fat woman in the waiting room. He called her into his
office and asked, " What's the matter, Madam? "
      " It was my birthday yesterday, sir," said the woman, " My son gave me a present. But I couldn't push
(推动) my way in it." 
      " It doesn't matter, Madam," said Mr. Black, " You have to lose (丢失) some weight (重量). You'll be able
to wear your coat if you do all what I say."
      " You're wrong, sir," said the fat woman, " He bought me not a coat, but an expensive car! "
1. Where does Mr. Black work?
2. What did Mr. Black see when he got to the hospital?
3. Then what did he do?
4. What was the fat woman's birthday present?
5. What was the matter with the fat woman?


(     ) 1. How far is it from here?        
(     ) 2. Where's the stop?               
(     ) 3. Thank you very much.            
(     ) 4. How tall are you?               
(     ) 5. How old is he?                  
(     ) 6. What's the matter with Mr Black?
(     ) 7. Who's younger, you or Su Hai?    
(     ) 8. What did Mike do yesterday?     
(     ) 9. What time did you get up?      
(     ) 10. How can I get there?           
A. You can take bus No. 8.                   
B. He went fishing.                          
C. Su Hai is twenty minutes younger than me. 
D. You're welcome.                           
E. At half past seven.                       
F. I'm 1. 6 metres tall.                      
G. It's about two kilometers away.           
H. It's over there.                          
I. He had a bad cough.                       
J. He's twelve.                              


Mr Green: Morning, Mr Wu! You're walking today. Do you usually go to school by bike?          
Mr Wu: Yes, I do. But I sometimes walk. I like walking.       
Mr Green: Walking is good. It's a fine day for walking today.        
Mr Wu: That's right. Today is a sunny day. What about you? Do you often come to school by bike?      
Mr Green: Yes, but not today.     
Mr Wu: Why not?       
Mr Green: My bike is broken.      
Mr Wu: Broken? Oh, I see!
1. How many people are talking in this dialogue (对话) ?
[     ]
A. Two.                   
B. Three.        
C. Four.
2. Where do you think this dialogue may happen (发生) ?
[     ]
A. At home.                
B. At school.   
C. In the park.
3. When do you think this dialogue happen?
[     ]
A. In the morning.         
B. In the afternoon 
C. In the evening.
4. What's the weather like today?
[     ]
A. Rainy.                 
B. Sunny.       
C. Cold. 
5. Why doesn't Mr Green go to school by bike today?
[     ]
A. His bike is broken.    
B. His leg is broken.    
C. The weather is not good.


(T = Teacher  W = Wang Hai)
T: Who's on duty today?
W: I am. 
T: Who isn't here today?
W: Wang Yang.
T: Aren't you Wang Yang?
W: No, I'm not. I'm Wang Hai. I'm his brother. We are twins. 
T: Oh, sorry. I don't know you are twins. But where is Wang Yang?
W: He is ill. He is at home. Can I look after him in the afternoon, Mr Li?
T: Sure.
W: Thank you.
      1__________ is on duty today. He and his 2__________ are twins. But Wang Yang 3__________
4__________ today. He is 5__________. Wang Hai will go and look after 6__________ this 7__________.
(     ) 1. A. Wang Yang
(     ) 2. A. friend   
(     ) 3. A. are      
(     ) 4. A. at school
(     ) 5. A. ill      
(     ) 6. A. they     
(     ) 7. A. morning  
B. Wang Hai
B. class
B. aren't 
B. in the office
B. young 
B. him
B. evening     
C. Mr Li
C. brother
C. doesn't
C. over there
C. pretty
C. her
C. afternoon
D. Twins
D. sister
D. isn't
D. at home                                                    
D. fine
D. mine
D. night 

