( )1 What did she play? A I’m watching TV. ( )2 How did he go there? B He went there by plane ( )3 What’s happening now? C She played erhu. ( )4 What are you doing? D Because I love Auatralian animals. ( )5 What will you do? E I will cut the paper. ( )6 Why do you like Australia? F I’m going to play football. 查看更多



Read and answer the questions

  One day Mr. Robinson saw a lady on the street with ten children. The children wore the same clothes.

  “Are these children yours?” Asked Mr. Robinson.


  “Do you always dress them in the same clothes”, asked Mr. Robinson.

  “Yes. When we had only four children, we dressed them in the same clothes because we didn't want to lose them. Now, we have ten. We dress them like these because we don't want to take other children.”

(1)What did Mr. Robinson see?


(2)Were the children all the lady's?


(3)Why did she dress her children in the same clothes?



Read the story and answer the questions.(读一读,答一答)


  One day, some friends ate dinner.After dinner, there was only one glass of wine.


  Mr Zhang said,“Let's have a drawing competition(比赛).Draw a snake.The winner can drink this wine.”


  Mr Wang finished drawing his snake first.He began to draw some legs on his snake.


  So Mr Chen finished his snake and drank the wine.Mr Wang was sad.

1)What did the friends drink?


2)What did they draw?


3)What did Mr Wang draw on his snake?


4)What did Mr Chen do?


5)What did the old man say?



(     ) 1. What did you do yesterday ?    I listen to music.                         
                      A         B                          C
(     ) 2. Did  you helped them clean their room ?                                     
              A             B               C
(     ) 3. Wu Yifan play football with his friends.                                     
                            A                 B            C
(     ) 4. Yesterday is his grandma's birthday.                                           
                 A        B            C
(     ) 5. Its tail is about 38kg long.                                                         
                  A                B      C


Jenny: Yesterday we bought gifts. Today we are putting up the Christmas tree. Tomorrow is Christmas. 
          We are going to open our gifts. Let's invite Danny to help us put up the tree.
Li Ming: Okay!
Jenny: Hello, Danny. Would you like to help us put up our Christmas tree?
Danny: Great!
Jenny: It's fun to put up a Christmas tree! First, we put on the lights. Then we put Christmas things on the tree.
           Hi, Danny! Would you like to put the star on the tree?
Danny: Yes, the star always goes on top!
Jenny: Now let's put our gifts under the tree. There! It's done!
Li Ming: It's beautiful!
1. What did Jenny do yesterday?
2. What are they going to do today?
3. Who are they going to invite?
4. Where does the star always go?
5. What's under the tree?


1. What did Lucy do yesterday?
2. What did John do last weekend?
3. Did Ben play basketball yesterday?
4. What's the matter with you?
5. What's Jack doing?

