Which one do you want, beautiful or powerful? 查看更多



Look and read. Find the correct word and write it on the line.

a chemist's an onion a mountain a journalist flowers a sofa a stamp a bath a shark butter geography a diary a monkey a snake history

Example: It is a soft thing to sit in. a sofa

1.You might cry when you cut this into small pieces. ________

2.You go there to buy medicine, and you can sometimes buy soap and tooth brushes there, too. ________

3.Some people write it everyday to remember important things happened on that day. ________

4.They smell nice and you put them in a vase. ________

5.This is made from the milk of cows, sheep or goats. ________

6.It is a meat eater which live in the sea and has sharp teeth. ________

7.It is a subject which lets us learn about weather and environment. ________

8.You can climb it. Then you can see a lot from the top. ________

9.It must be glued on top corner of an envelope or a postcard before being sent to someone. ________

10.It's an animal which can climb trees quickly and swing from trees to trees. ________


Look and read. Find the correct word and write it on the line.

a taxi a postcard a suitcase a tent an airport medicine chocolate jam a spider insects a dictionary a factory flour


You can go anywhere you want when you get on this. a taxi

1.You often write a short letter on it and send it to other people without an envelope. ________

2.You carry your clothes and other things in this when you go on holiday somewhere. ________

3.People can fly to a lot of different places from here. ________

4.Most of them have got six legs, and some of them can fly. ________

5.Things like cars are made here. ________

6.You can make cake pasta, and pizza with it. ________

7.You take it when you are not feeling well, which can help you feel better. ________

8.You sleep in this when you camp somewhere. ________

9.It is used to look up the new words which you don't know. ________

10.It is a kind of brown or black candy which tastes sweet. ________


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.


scarf         bowl


blanket         towel


toothbrush         sweater


map         lift


You put rice or soup in it. bowl

1.It helps you to find the place which you want to know. ________

2.You clean your teeth with it every day. ________

3.It is a very small room and you can go upstairs, or downstairs in it. ________

4.You wear it around your neck on cold days. ________

5.You need this after a shower or a swim. ________

6.You put this on your bed when it is cold outside. ________


Look and read. Find the correct word and write it on the line.

a torch a storm swans a photographer newspaper a toilet a bat an eraser a pilot glass a century a fireman a university an envelope a notebook an umbrella

Example: Each family has one in the bathroom. a toilet

1.It is used to correct the wrong writing. ________

2.There are a hundred years during this. ________

3.We put a letter inside it before posting it. ________

4.There is strong wind and heavy rain together. ________

5.You hold it in your hand, which can give you light to help you to walk in the dark places. ________

6.These are big birds with long necks that live near rivers or lakes. ________

7.You open this on rainy days. Then you won't get wet. ________

8.People read it to know important things happened all over the world. ________

9.It looks like a mouse but it can fly during the night. ________

10.The person can be found in the place where the fire is burning. ________


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a toothbrush a university an apartment a playground a school a toilet soap postcards a chemist's books a towel newspapers a tent diaries comics

Example You use this to clean your teeth. a toothbrush

1.You use this when you want to get dry, after washing or swimming. ________

2.This is the place young children go to, to study and learn. ________

3.This is a kind of home, and is usually on one floor. ________

4.These usually have a picture on the front, and you write them to your friends and family when you go away from home. ________

5.You can buy these every day, and they tell you about things which are happening in the world. ________

6.You can use this for cleaning your body, when you are having a shower. ________

7.This place is outside, and it may have a lot of swings and other games for children. ________

8.You can buy medicines and other things at this place. ________

9.You write in these, to help you remember important dates and times. ________

10.These are usually for children, and pictures help you understand the stories in them. ________

