But he didn’t up early yesterday. A.gets B.get C.got 查看更多



Read and fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words

Last year Mr. Brown ________(know) very little Chinese. His Chinese friends didn't ________(understand) him. But he liked to ________(speak) Chinese. One day he wanted to ________(go) to see monkeys. But he didn't ________(know) the way. He met(遇见) a boy on the way to the zoo. The boy ________(tell) him how to go there.


Fill in the blanks with “always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never”

(1)Fred studies really well, so he ________ fails to pass the exam.

(2)Paul ________ goes to school by bike, but he didn't yesterday.

(3)We ________ play volleyball on the playground after school.


Look at the pictures and read the story- Answer the questions.

Do not write more than four words in each answer.

Last week Jim was playing volleyball at school with his friends. Suddenly, he fell and broke his leg. His teacher phoned the hospital for an ambulance. They waited for a long time, but it didn't arrive. Jim's leg was hurting, so his teacher had to take him to the hospital by car


Which sport was Jim doing? volleyball

1.How did Jim break his leg? ________

2.How did Jim get to hospital? ________

Jim had to stay in hospital, but he didn't mind because all his friends came to visit him. They said, “Do you need anything?”He asked them for some sweets and a tape recorder, because the food tasted horrible, and he wanted to listen to his favourite music.

3.Who visited Jim in hospital? ________

4.What was the food like? ________

After two weeks, the doctor said, “Well, Jim, you can go home today. But you mustn't do any sports.”Jim was very sad then, because he loved sports. But at home that evening his mum said, “Look, Jim! I've made your favourite food, a pizza, and your dad's bought a video of your favourite football team.”Jim laughed and felt happy again.

5.How long did Jim stay in hospital? ________

6.What shouldn't Jim do? ________

7.What did Jim most like to eat? ________



He usually    to work. But he didn't    to work yesterday.

A. walk; walks B. walks; walk Cwalk; walks


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions.

Do not write more than four words in each answer.

My name's Katy, and this is my uncle Tom. He's an actor He's not famous, but last year he made a film in America with some very famous American actors. They made the film in a big city. It was the best job he has ever had. In the film he stole a lot of money from a bank.


What's Uncle Tom's job? he's an actor

1.Where in America was the film made? ________

2.In the film, where did Uncle Tom steal the money from? ________

One day, Uncle Tom was making the film in a park with all the other actors and camera men. Uncle Tom was running across the grass with a big bag of money, and the film cameras were behind him. But a policeman didn't see the cameras, so he stopped Uncle Tom and took him to the police station.

3.What were the actors doing in the park? ________

4.Where did the policeman take Uncle Tom? ________

The policeman asked Uncle Tom a lot of questions about the bag of money. But he didn't believe Uncle Tom's answers! Then, a famous actor from the film went to help Uncle Tom at the police station. The policeman believed Uncle Tom when he saw the famous actor, and he was very sorry. Uncle Tom went back to the park. Someone took a photo of him with the famous actor, and Uncle Tom sent the photo to me!

5.What didn't the policeman believe? ________

6.Who helped Uncle Tom? ________

7.Who did Uncle Tom send the photo to? ________

