Yesterday Sunday. A.was B. is C. were 查看更多



Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than four words in each answer.

It was Jimmy's birthday yesterday. And now he is five years old. He got a lot of nice presents from his family, and one of them was a beautiful big drum. It was a present from his grandfather.


What was Jimmy's age last year? four years old

1.What did Jimmy get on his birthday? ________

2.Who gave him the drum for his birthday? ________

Jimmy liked his drum very much. He made a terrible noise with it, but his mother did not mind. His father was working during the day, and Jimmy was in bed when he got home in the evening, so he didn't hear the noisy sound of the drum.

3.What did Jimmy do with the drum? ________

4.When was Jimmy's father at work? ________

5.What was Jimmy doing when his father arrived home? ________

But a woman who lived next door didn't like the sound of the drum at all. So one morning a few days later, she took a knife and went to Jimmy's house when he was hitting his drum. She said to him, “Hello, Jimmy. Do you know there is something nice inside your drum? Here's a knife. Open the drum and let's find it together.”

6.What was Jimmy doing when the woman came in? ________

7.What did the woman want to do? ________



Yesterday was my mother's birthday. My sister and I ____(make) a birthday cake for her.



Mocky:Hi, Ken.What are you reading?

Ken:I’m reading comic book.It’s ________.

Mocky:Let me have a look.Oh, It’s ________.I don’t like it.

Ken:Mocky, here is Monkey King.I bought it yesterday.It’s ________.I think it’s more ________ than the comic books.

Mocky:Let me see.Oh, I like it.I think it’s the most ________ book.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday Jane's mum said, “I want to go to the supermarket. Can you help me Jane?” Jane carried one bag and her mother carried another They caught a bus and went to the town. The bus stopped opposite the supermarket and they went inside. Jane wasn't very happy because she doesn't like shopping.


When did Jane and her mother go to town? yesterday .


1.What did Jane carry for her mum?  ________

2.Which shop did they go to?   ________

Inside the supermarket Jane's mum picked up fruit and bread but she couldn't find any rice. Jane looked carefully and found the rice below the pasta, tier mum was happy and said, “You are a good girl Jane.” Then Jane's mum wanted some lemonade. Jane could see the bottles but she isn't tall. She had to climb up to the bottles. Then she jumped down again but she hurt her leg. She started to cry loudly.

3.What did Jane's mum pick up?  ________

4.Where was the rice?  ________

5.Why did Jane have to climb up? because  ________

6.How did Jane come down?  ________

7.What did Jane hurt?  ________

Jane's mum gave her an ice cream and she stopped crying. But her leg hurt and she couldn't walk. Jane's mum telephoned her dad and he came in his car to take them home. Jane's mum said, “I can never take you shopping again Jane.”Jane was very happy!

8.What did Jane's mum give her?  ________

9.Who came to the shop?   ________

10.Mow did they go home?   ________


Read Daming's diary and answer.(读一读,答一答)

1)Where did Daming go yesterday afternoon?


2)What did Mother buy for Grandma?


3)What did Daming eat for supper?


4)When did Daming come home?


5)How did Daming feel?


