There’s an English book on the desk. 查看更多



      My name is Liu Ming. I have a new schoolbag. It's on the desk. It's pink and white. There are eight books
in it. An English book, a Chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and two story-books. My schoolbag is
beautiful. I like it.
1. Where is Liu Ming's schoolbag?
A. Under the desk.
B. On the desk.
2. What colour is the schoolbag?
A. It's pink and black.
B. It's pink and white.
3. How many books are there in the schoolbag? 
A. Three.
B. Eight.
4. How many notebooks does Liu Ming have?
A. Three.
B. Eight.


      My name is Chen Jie. I have a new schoolbag. It's on the chair. It's black and white. There are nine
books in it. An English book, a Chinese book, a math book, three notebooks and three story-books. My
schoolbag is beautiful. I like it very much.
1. What colour is Chen Jie's schoolbag?
A. It's pink and black.
B. It's white and black.
2. How many story-books does Chen Jie have?
A. Nine.
B. Three.
3. Where is Chen Jie's schoolbag?
A. Under the desk.
B. On the chair.


      Hello! I'm Zhang Ming. This is my classroom. We have two doors, two boards, four windows, six lights,
many desks and chairs. The wall is pink. The floor is blue. There is an English book and a math book on the
teacher's desk. My seat is near the window. My classroom is nice and clean. I like it.
(     ) 1. There are two boards in the classroom.
(     ) 2. There are four lights in the classroom.
(     ) 3. The wall is blue.
(     ) 4. There are two books on the teacher's desk.
(     ) 5. Zhang Ming's seat is near the door.


(     ) 1. Do you have a garden? 
(     ) 2. What's on the teacher's desk? 
(     ) 3. How many boys are there in your class?   
(     ) 4. Where is the teacher's office?         
(     ) 5. Is that the art room?
A. No, it isn't. It's the music room. 
B. There are thirty-one boys.   
C. Yes, we do.                                                        
D. It's on the second floor. 
E. It's an English book.


1. There      some juice.
2. There      some bread and apples.
3. There      a big door and five windows.
4. There      five small eggs and some chicken.
5. There      three books and an armchair.
6. It's time      go home.
7. It's time      lunch.
8. It's time      having dinner.
9. It's time      English.
10. It's time      draw.
11. It's time      drawing.
12. It's time      get up.
13. How many      are there in a week?  
      There       days in a week.
14. How many      (class)do you have today?  
      I have six      .
15. How many      (book)are there on the desk?  
      There       (12)books.

