Show me the words: pen, book, eraser and bag. 查看更多



1. Can I have some chicken?
2. You're welcome!
3. Drink the juice!
4. Show me the milk.


1. 当问别人身体怎样时,应该说:

[     ]

A. How old are you?
B. How are you?
C. Fine, thank you.
2. 今天是John的生日,他的爸爸应该对他说:

[     ]

A. Happy birthday!
B. Happy Children's Day!
C. Happy Teachers' Day!
3. 当别人赞扬你的物品漂亮时,他应该说:

[     ]

A. Thank you!
B. You're welcome.
C. How nice!
4. 当你询问对方来自哪里时,应该说:

[     ]

A. What is it?
B. What's you name?
C. Where are you from?
5. 当你告诉别人你喜欢吃橘子时,应该说:

[     ]

A. I like pears.
B. Show me the pen.
C. I like oranges.
6. 当你正在找铅笔时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Where is my cup?
B. Where is my pencil?
C. Where is my cat?
7. 当新年到来时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Happy Halloween!
B. Thank you!
C. Happy New Year!
8. 当你看到别人要摔跤时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Watch TV!
B. Watch out!
C. Look at me!
9. 当你向别人介绍自己的朋友时,应该说:

[     ]

A. Who are you?
B. Hello!
C. This is my friend.
10. 当你询问别人有多少支钢笔时,应该说:

[     ]

A. How many pens do you have?
B. How many crayons do you have?
C. How many pens can you see?


(     ) 1.
    Is this pencil yours, Mary?
A. No, it isn't mine. 
B. Yes, it isn't mine. 
C. No, it is mine.
(     ) 2.
      How old are you?
A. I'm 163 centimeters tall. 
B. I'm eleven years old. 
C. I'm happy.
(     ) 3.
   My birthday is on March 4th.
A. When is your birthday? 
B. What will you do? 
C. When is your father's birthday?                                      
(     ) 4.
  Will you go to concert on Sunday?
A. Yes, I will.      
B. Yes, I do.         
C. No, I will.
(     ) 5.
     What did you want to do?
A. I wanted to see a movie. 
B. I wanted to go to school. 
C. I wanted to play football.
(     ) 6.
A. Whose pen is this? 
B. Whose dog is this? 
C. Whose bird is this?
(     ) 7.
       Thank you.
A. Show me the cake, Tom.
B. Pass me the cake, Tom.
C. Have a cake, Tom.
(     ) 8.
  Who will play the guitar in the concert?
A. I will. 
B. Mary will not. 
C. Yes, I will.

(     ) 9. |
       Of course.

A. How can I help? 
B. Can you help me? 
C. What do we need?
(     ) 10.
             What will Mrs Lee do tomorrow?
A. She will go swimming. 
B. She will see a film. 
C. She will go to the market.


Choose the right answers to A from B. 从B栏中选出A栏中各句的合适答语。
(     )1. Can I sit here?               
(     )2. Shall we get her some apples? 
(     )3. Have some strawberries, please.
(     )4. Which way shall I go?         
(     )5. This present is for you.       
(     )6. Is this yours?                 
(     )7. Where's Sue from?              
(     )8. Can you show me the way to 
            the teacher's office?        
A. She's from America, I think.
B. Thank you.                 
C. Sure.  It's next to Class 2.
D. This way,  please.         
E. No, thanks. I like grapes.
F. Sure. Please.             
G. Good. Let's go.             
H. No, it's theirs.           


fish pear see kite dolls
1. What a big            !
2. Look and            .
3. Have a            .
4. Show me the           .
5. Fly a          .

