What’s in your schoolbag? Many books. 查看更多



What's in your schoolbag?
[     ]
A. Ten crayons, two pens and many books.
B. My schoolbag is heavy.


(     ) 1. What's in your bag?          
(     ) 2. How many books do you have?  
(     ) 3. What colour is it?           
(     ) 4. Where's your schoolbag?    
A. I have twelve.                
B. It's on the desk.             
C. Two rulers and eight books.                          
D. It's green.                 


1.  in   schoolbag   your  what's
2.  a   book   I   new   have
3.  it   colour   is   what
4.  you   many   books   English   do   how   have 
5.  this   I   pencil    like


(     ) 1. Is your aunt a nurse?       
(     ) 2. What's in your schoolbag?   
(     ) 3. Who are they?               
(     ) 4. What colour is the desk?    
(     ) 5. What is he?                  
(     ) 6. How old is your baby brother?
(     ) 7. How many kites can you see? 
A. I can see sixteen.    
B. They are my parents. 
C. Yes, she is.          
D. He's only three.     
E. Yellow.                                                                
F. Books.               
G. He is a teachers.  


1. 你想问:你书包里有什么?应这么说:
[     ]
A. What in your schoolbag?
B. What's in your schoolbag?
C. What's on your schoolbag?
2. 别人问你而你不知道,应这么说:
[     ]
A. Sorry, I don't know.
B. I know.
C. Sorry. Here you are.
3. 当你问别人有多少本书,应这么说:
[     ]
A. How many book do you have?
B. How many books you have?
C. How many books do you have?
4. 你想说:我有20支铅笔,应这么说:
[     ]
A. I have twelve pencils.
B. I has twenty pencils.
C. I have twenty pencils.
5. 你想告诉同学你有一个新书包,应这么说:
[     ]
A. I have an new schoolbag.
B. I have a new schoolbag.
C. I have a new bag.

