Big letters N H. 查看更多



Match the Capital and small letters.Colour them the same colour.Then point and say.

It’s big S

It’s small s.



Miss Tailor is a primary school teacher. All the students like her very much. Today is November 1st. In the morning, Miss Tailor gets two letters. One is a birthday card. It's from her student, Jack. It is a big surprise, because her birthday is the next month. The second letter is also from Jack. It says:“Dear Miss Tailor, I'm sorry for the birthday card. It is a mistake. Please don't read the card until next month! ”

(1) Miss Tailor's birthday is November 1st.(   )

(2) Jack's birthday is December 1st.(    )

(3) The birthday card is for Miss Tailor.(   )

(4) Jack is a careless boy.(   )

(5) Jack wants to send the card early.(   )          


Make more words with the ending letters (At least three words)

Example: big-green-nine-elephant

strong- ______________________________



Make more words with the ending letters (At least three words)

Example: big-green-nine-elephant

tea- ______________________________


Make more words with the ending letters (At least three words)

Example: big-green-nine-elephant

quick- ______________________________


