s uirrel 8. ice 9. amp 查看更多




  Last Friday, May 15th, was sports day at Paul and Susie's school. Paul, David, John, and Sam ran in the first race. Susie did not run in this race. Paul ran fast. David ran faster than Paul. David came first in the race. Susie ran in the ninth race with Jane, Mary, and Cathy. Susie wasn't well. Her leg hurt. Cathy was the fastest in the race. She came first. Susie ran badly. She was fourth in the race.

After the races, Paul and Susie went to the store in front of the library. They had ice cream and candy bars.

1. The sports day was in ______.

A. March  B. May  C. November

2. Paul ran in ______

A. the first race  B. the second race  C. the last race

3. In the race David was ______

A. the slowest   B. the longest   C. the fastest

4. Susie was in ______

A. the fourth race  B. the sixth race C. the ninth race


Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Shu, Shu, Shu.

  Close your eyes, please!

  Come and feel it.

  Are you ready?

  Guess, guess. Let's guess.

  What's that?

  Ha, ha, ha.

  I can feel it. I can feel it.

  It's a big pear.

  I want to eat it.

  Yummy, yummy, yummy...


Clap hands and say it loudly(小朋友,请和你的小伙伴拍手大声说,可换成自己的名字及年龄)

   A       B

Good evening!   Good evening!

I'm Lily.      I'm Peter.

I'm six.      I'm seven.

I like blue.     I like white.

I like ball.     I like ball too.

Let's play with the ball.



-W_ _ _ _ is your home?

-It's near the hospital.I live on t_ _ fifth floor, Room 404.

-L_ _ us go to the park this afternoon.



Let's chant(说说唱唱)

  Rain, rain, go away!

  Tom and Mary want to play.

  Rain, rain, go away!

  Come again another day.

  Try, try.

  Never say die!

  Things will come right.

  To you, by and by.

