We’re going to eat in an English restaurant. 我们将要去一家英国饭馆吃饭. 查看更多



Fill in the blanks with “at, on, in, during, from, to”

  ________ summer we usually go to the seaside. We began going there in 1986 when I was still a small boy, and now we go there every year. We have to book(预订)early because the hotels are always full in July and August during the school holidays.

  We always follow the same schedule every day. ________ the morning, we get up ________ 8 o'clock. Then we have breakfast ________ 9:00. We spend three hours, about 9:30 ________ about 12:30, at the beach. At 12:30 we go back to the hotel and rest ________ the afternoon. In the evenings, we usually go out.

  This year we're going to the seaside ________ August Sth and we will be away in September. We will return home ________ Friday, September 7th. At the moment, we are still ________ January, so it is about six months before the holidays arrive. I can't wait!





--I'm looking for a ____ bar.

--Oh, we're going there.

Let's go t____.


Read the text and choose the best answer.

Tom: Hello Helen. Oh I'm hungry!

Helen: Are you Tom? I'm not hungry. I had a big breakfast.


Tom: What's your favourite food Helen?


[ A ]

A.It's cheese.

B.It's television.

C.They're eggs.

1.Tom: Who's cooking your lunch?


[  ]

A.It's mine, I think.

B.My sister, I think.

C.We're having soup, I think.

2.Tom: Do you like cooking?


[  ]

A.Yes, I have.

B.It's very well


3.Tom: When did you start cooking?


[  ]

A.When I was five


C.In the kitchen.

4.Tom: Have you ever made a cake?


[  ]

A.Yes, that's right.

B.Yes, thank you.

C.No, I haven't.

5.Tom: What time do you have lunch?


[  ]

A.Half an hour

B.At midday.

C.At midnight.

Tom: Well, I must go now, bye.

Helen: Bye. Have a nice lunch!


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

  Next week we are going to see my grandparents in Singapore. So today f m going to the department store with my parents. Now we are there. There are many things. First we want to buy some treasures(珠宝) for my grandparents. But it is on the second floor. So we are going to buy clothes first.


(1)When are they going to see grandparents? ________

(2)On which floor can they buy treasures? ________

(3)What are they going to buy first? ________

(4)On which floor can they buy clothes? ________

  After that, we are going to upstairs to the second floor. We are going to choose two of the treasures. But they are expensive. We aren't going to buy them. Then we want to buy some food. They are on the fourth floor.

(5)How many treasures are they going to choose? ________

(6)Are they expensive or cheap? ________

(7)How many floors are they going to go up to buy food? ________

  At last we are going to the supermarket on the fourth floor. We're going to buy some bread, cookies, some fruit and some milk. On the fifth floor, that is the top, there is a restaurant there. We are going to have delicious pizza there and go back home.

(8)How many floors does the department store have? ________

(9)Where are they going last before they go home? ________

(10)What are they going to eat? ________


Read the story. Look at the pictures and the two examples. Write one-word answers.

Last holiday Fred went to a beautiful island with his family. They swam and played a lot of tennis. At the end of the holiday they went to the ________ but their plane was late.

They had to wait for 12 hours and it was very borinq. The room was ________and hot. When the plane was near London the pilot said, “I'm sorry. We're going to fly to another place.

It's too________for the plane to stop here.”

The plane went to a ________a long way from their home. It was late so the family stayed in a hotel. The next day they took the train home but Fred couldn't go to school. Me was very ________!

What is the story called?

Tick one box.

[  ]

A.A fast plane

B.One more day's holiday

C.A terrible holiday

