Yesterday we to the supermarket. 查看更多



Listen and choose.(听一听,选一选)

1)A.Daming doesn't want to play basketball.

B.He is busy now.

2)A.Lingling couldn't find her bike.

B.It was late.She couldn't go to the supermarket.

3)A.They finished swimming.

B.They finished their homework.

4)A.Sam is very happy now.

B.He doesn't want to go to the park.

5)A.We watched TV yesterday.

B.We played games yesterday.


A. How much juice did you buy?                 
B. Where did you go yesterday? 
C. What did you buy?                               
D. Did you walk there?        
E. Did you go with your mother
Daming: Hi, Sam!                             
Sam: I went to the supermarket.     
Sam: No, I went there with my friend.
Sam: Yes, we did.                    
Sam: We bought some orange juice.                                       
Sam: Two bottles.               


Look and write.(看一看,写一写)

Yesterday ________ a special day.I ________ go to school.But yesterday I ________ go.There was no school.There was lots and lots of snow.I ________ at home.I ________ TV.I ________ my homework.I ________ my mum.We didn't go to the park.And we didn't go to the supermarket.We ________ with the snow.And we ________ a snow man.


      Hello! I'm Ann. I'm 15 years old. I'm thin and I'm 160cm tall. I like collecting stamps and reading books.
My father is an engineer. He's 15cm taller than me. He goes to work by car. My mother works in a supermarket.
She goes to work by bike. I usually go to school on foot, because my home is not far from school. There is a
library near the school, so I usually go there to read books on Sundays. It was sunny yesterday. I played
basketball for a long time. I was tired. And tomorrow is Saturday. I'm going to the hospital with my mother,
because my mother gets the flu. On Sunday morning, I'm going to wash clothes. In the afternoon, I'm going to
the library with Lisa. We are going at 2 o'clock. I'm going to have a busy weekend.
(     ) 1. Ann's father is 175cm tall.
(     ) 2. Ann's mother works in the library.
(     ) 3. Ann's home is far from school.
(     ) 4. Ann gets the flu, so she is going to the hospital.
(     ) 5. Ann played basketball yesterday.
(     ) 6. Ann is going to the library with her mother.


Look at the pictures and read the story. Answer the questions. Do not write more than three words.

Yesterday was Saturday. I wanted to have a party because the next day would be my 10th birthday. I phoned Jennifer. I asked her, “Hi, Jennifer! I' m going to have a birthday party. Would you like to came tomorrow?”She answered,“Sure, Betty. I'll come.”Then I phoned the other friends. They all wanted to have the party in the forest and have a picnic there.


Whose birthday is it? Betty's

1.How old is she now? ________

2.Who did she phone first? ________

3.Where did they want to have the party? ________

In the afternoon, I went shopping for the party with Mom in the supermarket. We went on foot because it's near my house. I wanted to take some sandwiches and sausages to the forest. But there weren't any. Mom said,“Don't be sad. Let's go to another supermarket to buy these things.”Then we had to go to another one and bought much food and drinks which I needed on my birthday. At last we went to the cake shop and bought a birthday cake.

4.How did she go to the first supermarket? ________

5.What did she want to buy in the supermarket? ________

6.What was the last place Betty went? ________

The next day was a fine day. We started at 7 o'clock. We all went there by bikes. We stopped at the river and then had a picnic lunch there. Jennifer played her guitar and all of my friends sang “Happy birthday to you, Betty”. And they also gave me a lot of things for my birthday. My favourite one is a kite which is from Paul. We danced, jumped and shouted. After lunch some of my friends played baseball on the grass. They enjoyed it very much. It was a great party.

7.What was the weather like on Sunday? ________

8.What did Jennifer take to the forest? ________

9.Who gave Betty a kite? ________

10.Where did they play baseball? ________

