This is my (story book/story-book). 查看更多



1. I like this story-book.
[     ]
A. 我喜欢这本数学书。
B. 我喜欢这本故事书。
C. 我喜欢这本语文书。
2. My eraser is new.
[     ]
A. 我的橡皮擦是新的。
B. 我的尺子是新的。
C. 我的卷笔刀是新的。
3. How much is your pen?
[     ]
A. 你的钢笔有多少?
B. 你的铅笔多少钱?
C. 你的钢笔多少钱?
4. Look! I have thirty-two schoolbags.
[     ]
A. 瞧,我有42个书包。
B. 瞧,我有32个书包。
C. 瞧,我有52个书包。
5. How many long pencils do you have?
[     ]
A. 你有多少支长铅笔?
B. 你有多少把长尺子?
C. 你有多少支铅笔?


1. I ____________ (have / has) a friend.
2. She ____________ (like / likes) music.
3. How many ____________ (book / books) do you have?
4. This is my ____________ (story book / story-book).
5. He has big ____________ (eyes/eye).
6. Let ____________ (me / I) clean the desks.
7. My schoolbag ____________ (is / are) heavy.
8. This is ____________ (his / he's) photo.
9. I ____________ (am / is) a boy.
10. Do you like apples? Yes, ____________ (I / he) do.


1. I do my homework.
2. I read my book.
3. I draw a picture.
4. I write a story.
5. This is the way we sit and rest.


Choose and fill in the blanks. 形容词大比拼。选择恰当的形容词填空。(每词限用一次)
big,   tired,   interesting,   strict,   sad
boring,   favorite,   busy,   difficult,   happy

1. On my birthday, my brother gives me a(n)              story book.
2. We don't like documentaries (纪录片), because they're____.
3. Mr White is          with his students. 
4. I feel           today. I think I should have a good rest. 
5. My mother goes to work from Monday to Sunday. She is very____. 
6. His____colour is white. 
7. Her room is very____, but her bed is very small. 
8. I got an "A" in this test, so I was very____. 
9. Tina's dog is lost. She is very____. 
10. I can't swim. I think it's so____.


A: We have a new classroom!
B: Really? Let's go and have a look.
B: Wow! It's so big. Where's my seat?
A: It's near the door.
B: Where's your seat?
A: Look, this is my desk and chair. This is my schoolbag.
B: What's in it?
A: Many books and pens.
B: How many books do you have?
A: Five story-books, two picture-books, one Chinese book and sixteen notebooks.
B: Wow! So many.
(     ) 1. They have a new home.
(     ) 2. A's (A的) seat is near the door.
(     ) 3. B's seat is near the door.
(     ) 4. Many books and pens are in A's schoolbag.
(     ) 5. A has twenty-four books.

