Bye. H. See you. 查看更多



A. See you!                
D. I am sorry to hear that.
G. I will  invite him.     
B. This is Jenny.       
E. thanks. 
H. Can you come with us?
C. This is Chen. 
F. You can invite Tom.
I. Sorry, I can't go. 
Chen: Hello. 1___________ May I speak to Jenny?
Jenny: Hello. 2___________
Chen: Oh, Jenny! We're going to swim this afternoon. 3___________
Jenny: 4___________ I am not feeling well today.
Chen: Oh, 5___________ Will you see the doctor? I can drive you to the doctor.
Jenny: No,6___________ Tom likes swimming. 7___________
Chen: OK, 8___________ Take care! Bye!
Jenny: 9___________


(     ) 1. Nice to meet you.
(     ) 2. Let's go to school.
(     ) 3. May I have a look?
(     ) 4. How old are you?
(     ) 5. What's your name?
(     ) 6. How are you?
(     ) 7. Good-bye!
(     ) 8. Thank you!
(     ) 9. Happy New Year!
(     ) 10. Happy Birthday!
a. I'm 10.
b. Nice to meet you, too.
c. OK.
d. Sure. Here you are.
e. See you!
f. My name is Lucy.
g. Fine, thank you!
h. Happy New Year!
i. You're welcome.
j. Thank you!


(     ) 1. a. What's your name?   
    My name is Li Ming.
(     ) 2. b. Where is my book?   
    It's under the desk.
(     ) 3. c. Nice to meet you.
    Nice to meet you. 
(     ) 4. d. What's this? 
    It's a chair.
(     ) 5. e. What's his name?
    His name is Danny.
(     ) 6. f. How many pencils do you have?
(     ) 7. g. See you later!
(     ) 8. h. What's her name?                                                                             
    Her name is Jenny.
(     ) 9. i. What's this?  
   It's a desk. 
(     ) 10. j. What's that?  
    It's a pencil case.


(     ) 1. What's your name? 
(     ) 2. How old are you?    
(     ) 3. How many friends do you have?
(     ) 4. What's in your schoolbag?    
(     ) 5. What color is your pen?
(     ) 6. What's his name? 
(     ) 7. May I have a look? 
(     ) 8. Bye. 
(     ) 9. Who's he?
(     ) 10. How are you?                
A. He's John.  
B. His name is Mike. 
C. 2 pencils and 5 books. 
D. I have 4. 
E. Sure, here you are. 
F. I'm nine.
G. I'm fine. 
H. See you.
I. My name is Zhang Peng.
J. Black.        


Complete the dialogue with the proper sentences. 选择合适的句子补全对话。
Jenny: Hello.      1     . May I speak to Mr. Chen?  
Tom: Yes, he is here.     
Chen: Hello,      2     . Oh, Jenny! We are going to swim this afternoon.     3     
Jenny: I'd love to but I am not feeling well today.      4      .    
Chen: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Will you see the doctor? I can drive you to the doctor.  
Jenny: No,      5     . Tom likes swimming.      6     .   
Chen: OK.      7      . Take care! Bye.
Jenny:      8     !
A: See you                              B: This is Jenny
C: This is Chen.                      D: thanks
E: You can invite Tom             F: I will invite him
G: Can you come with us        H: Sorry, I can't come

