What would you like? I’d like some rice and soup. 查看更多



What would you like?
[     ]
A. I'd like some rice and soup.
B. I like some rice and soup.


A. Everything's ready.
B. I'd like some rice and soup.
C. What would you like for dinner?
D. Wait and see.
E. I'm hungry.
A: Dad, 1_____________ What's for dinner?
B: 2_____________ What would you like?
A: 3_____________
B: 4_____________
C: I'd like some fish and vegetables, please.
B: 5____________
A: Thank you, Dad.
C: Thanks.


(     ) 1. What's for dinner?                
(     ) 2. What would you like for breakfast?
(     ) 3. Can you pass me the knife?        
(     ) 4. I'm hungry.                       
(     ) 5. Breakfast is ready.               
(     ) 6. I can't use chopsticks.            
A. Let's go for supper.    
B. Let me show you.         
C. Rice and soup.                                            
D. Here you are.           
E. Some bread, please.       
F. Thank you.             


(     ) 1. What's for dinner?                  
(     ) 2. What would you like for breakfast?  
(     ) 3. Can you pass me the plate?          
(     ) 4. I'm hungry.                         
(     ) 5. Dinner is ready.                    
(     ) 6. I can't use chopsticks.          
A. Let's go for supper.   
B. Let me show you.       
C. Rice and soup.         
D. Here you are.                                         
F. Some bread, please.    
F. Thank you.          


A. Everything's ready.
B. I'd like some rice and soup.
C. What would you like for dinner?
D. Wait and see.

1. _____________  2. _____________  3. _____________  4. _____________

