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Listen and write T(rue)or F(alse).

(  )1)Julia is an American girl.

(  )2)She likes writing books.

(  )3)She doesn't like playing basketball.

(  )4)She loves watching TV and riding her bike.

(  )5)She likes swimming.

(  )6)She doesn't like tidying her bookshelf.

(  )



--     (who) hat is it?

--It is    (she).


Read and choose:True or False (T or F)

  Ted has a beautiful parrot. Every day Ted speaks to it, “Hello!” and the parrot says, “Hello!”

  “What are you doing?” says Ted.

  “What are you doing?” says the parrot.

  One day a thief came in. He stole(偷) things from the house. When he was leaving, he heard a voice(声音), “What are you doing?” The thief was afraid and dropped(扔掉) the things and ran away quickly. In fact, it was the parrot who frightened(惊吓) the thief away.

The parrot can say, “What are you doing?”

(  )

Parrot is a bird which can speak.

(  )

The parrot knew the thief.

(  )

Ted said, “What are you doing?” when the thief was leaving.

(  )


Let's chant(小朋友,说说唱唱)

  You have one, I have one.

  Two little girls see a big man.

  You have two, I have two.

  Four little boys go to the zoo.

  You have three, I have three.

  Six little children plant six trees.

  Your have four, I have four.

  Eight little children play with a ball.

  You have five, I have five.

  Ten little children sit in a line.


Read and number the sentences

(  ) Her mother opened the door.

(1)It was a fine day.

(  ) They brought her some flowers and told her not to worry about her school work.

(  ) She had to stay in bed.

(  ) To her surprise, her classmates came to see her.

(8)May felt happy.

(  ) But May caught a bad cold.

(  ) Suddenly she heard someone ringing the bell.

