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I like to play ______.

A. ping-pong   B. football   C. toys


Look and read. Write T or F.


This is a two-story house.  T 

There is a dog in the house.  F 


(1)There are five children in the house.

Two of them are boys. ________

(2)The boy watching TV has got curly hair. ________

(3)A girl who is wearing a T-shirt is playing the piano. ________

(4)All the boys are downstairs. ________

(5)The boy playing with a ball is the fattest. ________

(6)The windows of the house are all closed. ________



将相应的词填到横线上,每 空一词

第一种: 1 .

第二种: 2    3

第三种:Thanks 4    5 .



Can you make a yogurt fruit salad?It’s not difficult.First, wash some fruit.You need a banana, an apple and some strawberries.Then cut them with a knife.Put them into a bowl.Now pour some yogurt onto the fruit.Finally mix them together.Yummy!


Make a yogurt fruit salad is difficult.

(  )


First, we should cut the fruit.

(  )


You need a banana and two apples.

(  )


Finally, you mix them together.

(  )


There are three steps to make a yogurt fruit salad.

(  )


Look and read. Write T or F.


Some people are having a picnic by the lake. T  

There are many flowers in the picture.   F

1.The woman is going to wash the bowl of fruit next to her. ________

2.The man is sitting on the rock. ________

3.The two boys are in different clothes and one is with brown hair, the other one is with fair hair. ________

4.The birds are flying over the trees. ________

5.The man has got a moustache above his mouth. ________

6.One of the sausages is shorter than the other two. ________

