( ) Amy 到你家作客.你想给她倒点喝的.你该说: A. Can I have some orange juice? B. I’d like some coke? C. What would you like, milk or tea? 查看更多



1. 你不知道该怎样去北京路,你可以这样用英语问路:
[     ]
A. I don't know how to go to Beijing Road?
B. Can you tell me the way to Beijing Road?
C. Go straight.
2. 客人到你家吃饭,你可以这样问他 / 她是否吃点鱼:
[     ]
A. Would you like some coffee?
B. What would you like to eat?
C. Would you like some fish?
3. 你想知道广州昨天的天气情况,你可以这样问:
[     ]
A. What was the weather like yesterday in Guangzhou?
B. What is the weather like yesterday in Guangzhou?
C. What did the weather like yesterday in Guangzhou?
4. 看见小朋友不爱护书籍,你可以这样跟小朋友说:
[     ]
A. Take out your books, please.
B. Take good care of (爱护) your books, please.
C. Are these your books?
5. 你正在与好朋友谈论你的梦想,你可以这样表述:
[     ]
A. I wish I could be a fairy. I wish I could do all the things.
B. I hope I can be a fairy I wish, I can do all the things.
C. I want to be a fairy. I want to do all the things.


1. 在去动物园的路上,与“Go!”相反的指示牌应是:

[     ]

A. Stop!
B. Turn left!
2. 朋友到你家做客,你指着墙上哥哥的照片让朋友看时,你应该说:

[     ]

A. This is my sister.
B. This is my brother.
3. 你想知道别人的年龄,你应该说:

[     ]

A. How are you?
B. How old are you?
4. 你想告诉叔叔你五岁了。你应该说:

[     ]

A. I'm ten years old.
B. I'm five years old.


[     ]
A. Do you like fruit?
B. Would you like some fruit?




Read and choose the correct answer(读一读,选择正确的句子)

[  ]

A.Listen! B.Sit down! C.Quick! D.Repeat! E. Stand up!

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