dcb 2.wvu 3.igh 查看更多




1.A.sir B.six C.sure

2.A.our B.ball C.door

3.A.bowl B.table C.noodle

4.A.grapes B.mangoes C.lemons

5.A.farmer B.worker C.driver

6.A.mother B.hospital C.driver

7.A.station B.theatre C.airport

8.A.sandwich B.hamburger C.write

9.A.bright B.light C.write

10.A.cupboard B.notice board C.playground


1.A.They go there by taxi.

B.I go there by taxi.

C.We go there by taxi.

2.A.I go to school by bus.

B.I go to school by bike.

C.I go home by bus.

3.A.I can’t see any trees.

B.I can see some green trees.

C.I can see some trees in the picture.

4.A.The English book is over there.

B.The glass is near the English book.

C.The glass is on my English book.

5.A.My grandmother is about seventy.

B.Your grandmother is about seventy.

C.Her grandmother is about seventy.


A:Look, Ann.________ a picture on the wall.

B:________ in the picture?

A:________ a fridge, a desk, a bed and a sofa.

B:________ the fridge?

A:It’s near the sofa.

B:________ ________ the desk?

A:It’s ________ the window.________ ________ some books on the desk, too.

B:________ they storybooks?

A:Yes, they are.


Read the text. Choose the right words and write them on the lines.

My Pet


I have a pet. Its name is Koko. It is a lovely dog. It lives (1)________ us in our house. Koko is only one year old. It is brown and white. It likes (2)________ bones. In the morning, it can bring newspaper for (3)________. In the afternoon, it often play with it in the garden. We like playing with (4)________ ball on the grass. In the evening, when I do my homework, Koko always sits next to me. Koko is (5)________ best friend. I love it very much.

Example:It's  Its  It

(2)to eat



  The word “sandwich” is an English word. Sandwich was an Englishman. He lived two hundred years ago. Sandwich had lots of money. He was very rich. But he liked playing cards for money. He often played all day and all night. One time, he played twenty-four hours and didn't stop. He didn't leave the card table to eat. He asked his servant(仆人) to bring him some meat and some bread. He did not want to stop playing while he ate. He put the meat between two pieces of bread. In this way, he could go on playing cards. From the name of this man, Sandwich, we have the word “sandwich” today.

1. Sandwich was ________ before.

A. English food   B. an English car   C. an Englishman

2. Sandwich _______ plays cards.

A. sometimes   B. never   C. often

3. He didn't stop _________ when he played cards.

A. eating   B. to eat   C. eats

4. He played cards ________.

A. day and night   B. all day   C. all night

5. Sandwich is the name of ________ today.

A. a man   B. food   C. drink


Look and read. Choose the correct words and write them on the lines. There is one example.

a dinosaur a mechanic an octopus a farmer chopsticks a comb a knife a camel a snack a towel a swan soap a pilot insects butter


This person works in the countryside, and often sells food to markets. a farmer

1.You can use these to eat a bowl of rice. ________

2.If you have a problem with your car this person will help you. ________

3.You use this for washing when you are dirty. ________

4.These have six legs and some of them can fly. ________

5.This is often white with a long neck, and can swim and fly. ________

6.When you are hungry you can eat this between meals. ________

7.This is made from the milk of cows, sheep and goats. ________

8.This lived a long time ago and is now extinct. ________

9.You can use this when your hair is untidy. ________

10.This has eight legs and lives in the sea. ________




Dear Mark.Now let me tell you how to get to the ________.Tale a No.2bus near our school and get off at the________.________ ________ on and ________ ________ at the first ________ lights.________ you can see a big building on the ________.That's it.________ remember and come on time.


1.A.Today is my birthday.

B.I'm twelve years old.

C.My birthday is on Saturday.

2.A.You can walk to the hospital at the cinema.

B.Take a No.1 bus from the hospital, then you can get to the cinema.

C.The cinema is far from the hospital.

3.A.There is a hospital and a library on the map.

B.The post office is to the east of the library.

C.The post office is big and new.

4.A.I can go to the park on foot.

B.The post office is to the south of the park.

C.You can go to the post office by bus.

5.A.You can't go to my home by bus.It's too far.

B.My house is a white building.

C.There is a bus stop near my home.

6.A.I want to go to the shoe store after school.

B.I want to go to the bookstore after school.

C.I can go to the bookstore after school by myself.


The fat cat has a big bag.It's on its head.There are seven pens and a pencil in it.We can't catch the cat.It's very heavy and sad.

[-]head ________ ________ ________ ________ ________

[$]fat________ ________ ________ ________ ________


