a. J nuary b. m ch c. M F bruary A il J e d. J ly e. S tember f. N vember A gust O tober D cember 查看更多



Find the verbs and write their present forms(找出表示动作的词,并在后面的横线上写出它“-ing”形式)

a e p n o p e n f g x d i h p d r a w e f q h o r r u n x z l e a r n j s l e e p c m j p r e a d h i m e

(1)________→________  (2)________→________

(3)________→________  (4)________→________

(5)________→________  (6)________→________


Read and circle the different one(读一读,圈出下组字母中与其他各项发音不含相同项的一个)

Example:A  K    J(W不同于其他,选出W)

C  G  v  m     _________


Choose and write.

B  F  H  J

A ________ C D E ________ G ________ I ________ K



(  )1.get up     A.去睡觉

(  )2.go to bed    B.起床

(  )3.eat breakfast   C.在家

(  )4.at home     D.去商店

(  )5.read a book   E.吃早饭

(  )6.go to the store  F.读书

(  )7.help mom    G.去游泳

(  )8.go swimming   H.帮助妈妈

(  )9.visit grandma   I.踢足球

(  )10.play football   J.看望奶奶


Read and circle the different one(读一读,选出下组字母中与其他各项发音不含相同项的一个)

Example:A  K    J(W不同于其他,选出W)

S  D  n  x       ________

