Draw a duck. 查看更多



Draw it(画一画)

Draw a duck, colour it yellow, it is swimming(游泳) in the river(河).


Listen and choose. 听录音,选出你所听到的单词。
(     ) 1. A. duck    
(     ) 2. A. where   
(     ) 3. A. apple  
(     ) 4. A. jump   
(     ) 5. A. egg  
B. lion      
B. what         
B. key          
B. watch     
B. elephant
C. goose  
C. who    
C. fish         
C. fly    
C. he   
D. tiger  
D. how    
D. jeep                                 
D. draw   
D. my   


      Hi! I am big and tall. I have a long nose and two big ears. My legs are very strong (强壮). I have two long 
teeth (牙齿). I am gray (灰色). Who (谁) am I? I have a good friend. She has two long ears, one little nose and 
two big eyes. She is white and pretty. She likes carrots (胡萝卜). Who is she? Do you know?
1. I have a long                and two long               .
[     ]
A. ears, teeth    
B. nose, teeth    
C. nose, legs
2. What colour am I? I am                .
[     ]
A. gray       
B. white    
C. brown 
3. Who am I? An                .
[     ]
A. wolf (大灰狼)    
B. bird (小鸟)  
C. elephant (大象)
4. Who is my friend? The                .    
[     ]
A. rabbit (白兔)    
B. duck (鸭子)    
C. swan (天鹅)
5. Please draw us! Can you?


(     ) 1. A cow can draw and write.
(     ) 2. A horse can run.
(     ) 3. A rabbit can't swim.
(     ) 4. A pig has a tail.
(     ) 5. A duck has four legs.
(     ) 6. A donkey can walk.
(     ) 7. Fish can swim.
(     ) 8. A bird has two wings.
(     ) 9. Goats and sheep are different.
(     ) 10. A boy can walk forward.

