- How’s the weather there? - Very w 查看更多



     How did I spend my summer holiday? I went to v_____ my grandparents and spent my holidays
 there. The weather there w_____hot and rainy. B_____ we had many activities during the holiday.     
     I g_____  up at 6: 30, then took a w_____ in the park. After breakfast, I read English and  Chinese, 
and then did math homework, then I spent the afternoon outside.  I w_____ swimming or went fishing 
with my father. There was a big house n_____  the river. S_____ we went there, ate in the house and 
listened t_____   music. We w_____ very happy.


1. There is much snow outside. It is s_______ today.
2. How was the weather yesterday? It was r_______.
3. What's the t_______ tomorrow?
4. —How was Tom's h_______ in Kaifeng?
    —Wonderful. He had a good time there.
5. It's sunny today. The sun is shining b_______.
6. It was quite w_______ yesterday. The wind blew strongly.
7. It's very cold in winter. The l_______ temperature can be 30℃ below 0..
8. Winter is a good season for m_______ snowmen.
9. Look at the sun. It's s_______ today.
10. When it is f_______, we can't see anything outside.



  Tony: How was your day off, Tina?

  Tina: Oh, it was awful.

  Tony: Really? What _(1)_?

  Tina: Well, we_(2)_camping and the weather was terrible. It rained and rained all day long.

  Tony: Oh, that's too bad.

  Tina: Ugh! Because the weather was so_(3)_we_(4)_for a drive. It was really boring.

  Tony: Sounds terrible, Tina.

  Tina: How about your day off, Tony?

  Tony: It was terrible. I _(5)_ very hard for my math exam last week, so I slept late. Can you believe it? When I woke_(6)_, it was already 12 o'clock. I got up and went to my friend Dave's house, but he_(7)_there. He_(8)_ at the beach!

  Tina: So what_(9)_ you do?

    Tony: I _(10)_ my morn and dad dean the yard.

   Tina: Sounds like a busy day off!

    Tony: Uh-huh.












补全对话 阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。

W: Hello! Tom. I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?

M: 1_________, Mrs. Green. I went to China last year.


M: My parents.

W: What did your family go there for?


W: In which city did you live when you were in China?

M: In Shanghai. It's a big city and it's modern, too.

W: 4_________

M: It's not too cold in winter but it's very hot in summer.

W: Do you like the weather there?

M: 5__________ But I like the city very much.

W: Are you going there again?

M: Yes. We are now on a holiday. We will go back to China next month.

1 A. Hello         B. Good morning        C. I’m fine         D. See you

2 A. How did you get there?                   B. Who did you go there with?

   C. When did you go there?                   D. Which city did you visit?

3 A. We went there by air.             B. My parents paid more than $5,000 for the flight.

C. We had fun during the flight there.  D. My parents went there to work in a college.

4A. What do you think of the people in Shanghai?   B. Does it often rain in summer?

C. How do you like the buildings in Shanghai?    D. What's the weather like in Shanghai?

5 A. Yes, I do.      B. I love it very much.     C. No, I don't.     D. I don’t know.


补全对话   从每题  ABCD   四个选项中, 选出一个能够填入对话空白处的最佳选项。(5 分)
W: Hello! Tom. I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you been?
M:           , Mrs. Green. I went to Brazil last month. I just came back yesterday.
W: Wow, that sounds great.         
M: Ten boys in my class.
W: What did you go there for?
W: In which city did you live when you were there?
M: In Rio de Janeiro. It's a big city and it's active, too.
M: It's not too cold in winter but it's very hot in summer.
W: Do you like the weather there?
M:            . But I like the city very much.
W: Are you going there again?
M: Yes. We have booked tickets to a soccer game. I am excited about that.
A.HelloB.Good morning
C.I’m fineD.See you
A.How did you get there?B.Who did you go there with?
C.When did you go there?D.Which city did you visit?
A.We went there by air.
B.My parents paid more than $5,000 for the flight.
C.We had fun during the flight there.
D.We went on a summer camp there.
A.What do you think of the people there?
B.Does it often rain in summer?
C.How do you like the buildings there?
D.What's the weather like in Rio de Janeiro?
A.Yes, I do.B.I love it very much.
C.Not really.D.I don’t know.

