On monday morning we have an art class. 答案:monday改为Monday 星期几要大写. 查看更多



Amy's family has fun. They mail a diary(日记簿、日记) to each other. Everyone writes something in it. Amy's brother is open. He tells many things about his life. Amy's sister is Lazy. She doesn't write much. Amy's dad writes stories. Her mom is talkative. She writes a lot. Everyone enjoys the diary.

Hello, dear family! I am having a fun week here at The Mall. I had lunch with Pan and Jack on Monday. On Tuesday, I designed a new dress. Yesterday, Tom told me a funny joke. He always makes me laugh!

Hi, everyone! I made a chocolate cake yesterday. That’s Amy's favorite. I wish I could mail you a piece, Amy! It's really delicious.

Today was warm and sunny. Your father and I went for a walk in the park. We also waited your Aunt Betty. She told us some good news. Your cousin John got a new Job! Oh, I'm writing too much, aren't I? We really miss you all. Take care!

Hi, all! Last week I was feeling sad. I had a bad day at work. My boss was angry at me. But the next day was better. I did a good job and my boss was very happy, so I felt better. Sometimes my work is hard. But I am really thankful for my job.

Dear ones, let me tell you a story. A long, long time ago, A man lived a house on a hill. He had a candle. He lit the candle every night. Everyone could see the light. Then one night, something wonderful happened…

Hello! I miss you all. However, I don't have much time to write this week. I'll write more next time.

Bye, everyone!

1.Where do Amy's family members write their diaries?

A. On the same family diary.  B. On their own diaries.

C. On Amy's diary.            D. On Mother's diary.

2.When did Amy design a new dress?

A. On Monday.   B. On Tuesday.    C. Yesterday. D. Today.

3.What does the brother think of his job?

A. The job makes him sad.  B. The job always gives him pleasure

C. The job is too easy.    D. The job is a challenge.

4.What did the mother do today?

A. She made a chocolate cake.   B. She did nothing but walk in the park.

C. She got a new job.    D. She went for a walk and visited Aunt Betty.

5.What's the best title for the passage?

A. Amy and her family.   B. Amy and her diary.

C.A family's diary.      D. Amy's father writes stories.




On Sale

T-shirts  88 yuan    65 yuan

Dresses  185 yuan   158 yuan

Pants    90 yuan    70 yuan

Skirts    60 yuan    56 yuan

Saleswoman:     May I help you, Madam?

Kailey:    Yes, please. This dress looks very nice. How much is it?

Saleswoman:     It’s only 158 yuan.

Kailey:    Really? Is it on sale?

Saleswoman:     Yes, it’s usually 185 yuan, but only 158 yuan on Sundays.

Kailey:    Great. I’ll buy two dresses for my cousins. They like this kind of dresses.

Saleswoman:     What color do they like?

Kailey:    Red.

Saleswoman:     Oh, I’m sorry. We don’t have any red ones. How about the blue ones?

Kailey:    All right. I’ll take them.

Saleswoman:     Thanks.

1. Two T-shirts are          on Monday.

A.130 yuan.                             B.176 yuan.

C.120 yuan.                             D.112 yuan.

2.文中划线词语“on sale”的汉语意思为         .

A.减价销售         B.正常营业          C.高价回收         D.非卖品

3.Kailey buys two          for her cousins.

A.white pants                            B.green shirts

C.blue dresses                           D.T-shirts

4.If Kailey buys three          on Sunday here, they will cost(花费)her 168 yuan.

A.T-shirts           B.dresses           C.pants             D.skirts

5.Which is RIGHT?

A.They are at home now.

B.The T-shirt is only 56 yuan.

C.Kailey’s cousins like red.

D.The skirts are 60 yuan on Sunday



Dear Jenny,

   I’m sorry you’re sick(病了) and can’t come to school this week. Let me tell you what you have on Monday next week.

  We have math at 8:00. How boring! Then we have English. That’s interesting. I know you love English. Next is P.E. The fourth lesson is art. That’s my favorite subject! In the afternoon, we have history with Mr Chen. He is fun but history isn’t.  Then at 2:00 we have science with Miss Jones. You know how strict she is. I don’t like her. Our last class of the day is math. Again!



1._____ is not at school this week.

A. Jenny    B. Ben      C. Miss Jones

2.Their first lesson is ______.

A. math    B. English     C. science    

3.Jenny’s favorite subject is_______.

A. P.E.     B. art        C. English    

4.How many lessons do they have on Monday?

A. Four    B. Six        C.  Seven

5.Their science teacher is _________.

A. friendly  B. strict      C. boring    




 Blue Water World

A great place for the whole family

We have...

* a gym(健身房)       * a hot spring bath(温泉浴)

* swimming pools      * a cinema (Only for children)

All with activities or lessons for both you and your children

Price: ¥40 for adults    ¥20 for children under 15

Open: 11:00 a.m.~ 11:00 p.m. Except Monday

The fun never stops at Blue Water World!

Location: At 108 Sunny Street

Telephone: 555-5683/555-5686

Website: www.bluewaterworld.com.cn

1.Mr.Smith wants to go to Blue Water World with his family, so they can go there ?

A.at 5:00 p. m on Monday

B.at 10:00 a. m on Tuesday

C.at 2:00 p. m on Sunday

D.at 11:00 a. m on Monday

2.Mr. Liu wants to go to Blue Water World with his eight-year-old twin sons this Saturday. How much will they have to spend?

A.¥40             B.¥120            C.¥80             D.¥20

3.If you want to have a hot spring bath, you can call                 .

A.555-5685         B.555-5686          C.555-5684         D.555-5681



Alderbury International Festival Society



Displays of paintings, drawings and photographs from Europe and Asia are all part of the Festival programme, with a total of more than 400 pieces of work to be seen.

Early century advertisements will be on display at this year’s festival. Copies of these advertisements are to be sold at the box office.


There will be a huge rang of music in this year’s festival from 14th dance music to modern jazz. Many famous musicians will be visiting the Festival as well as at least two internationally famous bands.

Lunchtime concerts-Every day of the Festival!

All lunchtime concerts begin at 1:00p.m. and last about 55 minutes, except on Monday, 26 of May, which is to be held in the Guildhall. All tickets are priced at £2.00.

How to get the tickets

Telephone reservations: 63362/6641 from 1st April

Payment for tickets reserved by telephone must be received at the Festival Box Office within 3 days. The tickets will then be sent by post.

One can buy tickets in person from 1st May. The Festival Box Office will be open as follows:

Monday to Saturday 9:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.

Sunday(during the Festival only )9:30 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

1.In the Festival, you can _______.

A.buy copies of ancient advertisements        B.see more than 400 drawings

C.get some paintings at the box offices         D.display your works for free

2.What do we know about the music show?

The lunchtime concerts last for more than an hour.

The Festival includes many kinds of music.

C. Tickets for the concerts cost more than £3.00.

D. All concerts are to be held in the Guildhall.

3.It is not possible for you to buy a ticket in person at _______.

A.5:30 p.m. on Sunday                     B.10:30 a.m. on Monday

C.3:00 p.m. on Saturday                    D.1:p.m. on Friday

4.On 1st April, you can _______.

A.enjoy modern jazz                       B.receive tickets by post

C.listen to lunchtime concerts               D.phone for ticket reservations


