Is it time for breakfast? 2. My new classmates are all nice to me. 查看更多



Paru:    1   , Nick? Is it time to go home?
Nick: No, it's 3:15 p.m.. It's time to go and play games.    2   ?
A.It's blue
B.But where's your watch
C.They're blue
D.No, I think it's Paul's
E. What time is it now
F. What day is it today
G. You must look after your belongings.
Paul: I don't know. I can't find it.
Mr. Li: Whose is this watch? Is it your, Nick?
Nick:    3  .
Mr. Li: What color is your watch, Paul?
Paul:    4  .
Mr. Li: Is this one yours?
Paul: Oh, yes, it's mine.
Mr. Li: Paul,   5   . Put it in your schoolbag.
Paul: Thank you, Mr. Li.



  Tom comes out of the station and at once he doesn't know where to go.This is the first time he comes to this town.He comes to see his good friend,Bob.Bob is a worker.He works in a factory.But Tom doesn't know where the factory is.

  He walks in the streets.He passes a hospital,a post office,a bookshop and at last he gets to a school.Some students are coming out.He asks one of them,“Excuse me,do you know where the Red Star Factory is?”

  “Of course,I know.I live near there.My father works in that factory.It's outside this town.”Answers the boy.

  “Is it far from here? Can you show me the way,please?”Tom asks again.

  “I'm going home now.Will you go with me?I'll take you there.”

  “That's great! Thank you very much!”

  “You're welcome.Then,let's go to that bus stop.We'll take a No.1 bus there.”


(1)What does Bob do?


(2)Where does Tom want to go?


(3)Before he gets to the school,how many places does Tom pass?


(4)Is it time for the students to go to school or go home?


(5)How do Tom and the students go to the factory?



根据括号中的单词提示用其适当形式填空,每空一词。(每小题1分,满分10 分)

1.Jim         to be a teacher. (想要)

2.My mother enjoys         to music. (听)

3.Is it time for us to have ___________(早饭)?

4.The _________like to play games in the playground.(孩子)

5.We all like ________ new school. It’s nice and big.(我们)

6.How many good ________ do you have? (friend)

7.Tom with his friends          (play) football after school.

8.Our school         (finish) at 4:45 in the afternoon.

9.There         (be) a desk and two tables in the class.

10.This is         (Jill) new bedroom. It’s nice.



Is it time ________ breakfast?

[  ]










【小题1】That silk blouse lookcoolon everyone. Will you try it on?     
A   B  C                  D          (将选项_____改成________)
【小题2】 A man waitingfor you over there. Who is he?  
A    B         C      D                  (将选项_____改成________)
【小题3】 Is it time fortheyto changetheir lifestyle now?     
A  B    C    D                                (将选项_____改成________)
【小题4】 Amy loveshamburger but she doesn’t eat them any more.
A      B          C           D             (将选项_____改成________)
【小题5】The woman likesgoing shopping. She is looking for some clothes every Sunday.             
A    B               C        D       (将选项_____改成________)

