This is a Japanese car( 改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) this a Japanese car ? Yes , . 查看更多




  This is a page from a college information handbook.It tells you where you can find several different college services and facilities(设施).

  Rooms numbered 100-130 are on the first floor and those numbered 200-230 are on the second floor of the main college buildings.

  Students Service Center

  Career            113

  The officers can offer you some advice on career choice.

  Accommodation(接待)Office  114

  Mrs J Mardie is here each afternoon from 1∶30 to 4∶30 to help with housing problems.

  Medical Room         115

  Mrs J Wright, the college nurse, will help you each morning from 9∶30 to 12∶00am.

  The college doctor will be on duty at the room on Wednesday morning.

  Sport’s Office         207

  Mrs B Murie can provide information about sporting and keep-fit activities.

  Student Union Office      222

  A great deal of service and advice(travel etc.)are provided.

  Food service          127

  Mr G Nunn is the manager and will do his best help if you ask for a special diet.

  Library            215

  Besides books, it also has photocopying, video and computing facilities.



A: I want a sports bag.
B: No, I don't like red.1 want a blue bag.
C:This is a red bag. Do you like it?
D: Twenty dollars.
E: How much is it?
F: Oh, that's a blue bag. Here you are.
G: You are welcome.
H: I'll take it. Thank you.
I: Can I help you?
J:Yes, please.



  Jane lives in London and she loves fashionable clothes.She is in Beijing now to buy Chinese clothes.A saleswoman is trying to help her for that.(S=Saleswoman J=Jane)

  S: This is a Qing Dynasty style dress.It is made of silk and it has the Chinese word for happiness on the back.Have a try in the fitting room.

  J:Look.The dress is a bit tight.I feel difficult to walk.

  S:Oh, yes, you do.But you can try a jacket and trousers.

  J:You mean that red silk jacket with flowers.Are the flowers called peonies?

  S:Yes, the flower means good luck.This is Tang Dynasty style with big sleeves.You can put your hands in the sleeves to keep warm.You’d better have this shirt with short sleeves, this long skirt and silk shoes with a picture of phoenix on to go with this jacket.

  J:That’s very interesting.I’ll take them.


Jane is in Beijing to buy _________ clothes because they are fashionable.

[  ]










The Qing Dynasty style dress is made of _________.

[  ]










The Chinese word _________ is on the back of the Qipao dress.

[  ]


Feeling Nice






Getting Rich


Jane does not take the dress because it is _________.

[  ]






too big


a bit tight


After some fitting, Jane gets _________ happily.

[  ]


a suit of clothes


a long skirt


a jacket


a pair of shoes


     Jane lives in London and she loves fashionable clothes. She is in Beijing now to buy Chinese clothes.
A saleswoman is trying to help her for that. (S=Saleswoman  J=Jane)
S: This is a Qing Dynasty style dress. It is made of silk and it has the Chinese word for happiness on the 
    back. Have a try in the fitting room. I'm daydaytest Placeholder!
J:  Look. The dress is a bit tight. I feel difficult to walk.
S: Oh, yes, you do. But you can try a jacket and trousers.
J: You mean that red silk jacket with flowers. Are the flowers called peonies?
S: Yes, the flower means good luck. This is Tang Dynasty style with big sleeves. You can put your hands
    in the sleeves to keep warm. You'd better have this shirt with short sleeves, this long skirt and silk
    shoes with a picture of phoenix on to go with this jacket.
J: That's very interesting. I'll take them.
1. Jane is in Beijing to buy                 clothes because they are fashionable.  
A. Japanese    
B. British    
C. Chinese    
D. American
2. The Qing Dynasty style dress is made of                 .
A. cotton    
B. silk    
C. leather    
D. cloth
3. The Chinese word                 is on the back of the Qipao dress.
A. Feeling Nice    
B. Happiness  
C. Health    
D. Getting Rich
4. Jane does not take the dress because it is                  .
A. expensive      
B. cheap      
C. too big    
D. a bit tight
5. After some fitting, Jane gets                  happily.
A. a suit of clothes  
B. a long skirt    
C. a jacket    
D. a pair of shoes


A. He likes the computer. He plays computer games sometimes.
B. He's in Junior 1. A big boy now.
C. Can I have a look at the one near the window?
D. Yes, the yellow one with big ears.
E. Nice. Can it sing?
F. No. We have many toy cars at home.
G. Good. I'll take a big one.
H. Good. I'm sure my son will like it. Do you have any big robot?
I. Yes. I'm looking for something for my son.
J. No. We have many planes at home, too.
A: May I help you, sir?
B: (1)_____
A: How old is he?
B: (2)_____
A: Do you want cars?
B: (3)_____
A: How about the toy plane?
B: (4)_____
A: What does your son like?
B: (5)_____
A: Then, I think he wants a robot. Boys like robots very much.
B: (6)_____
A: The one  near the window?
B: (7)_____
A: Here you are. This is a new model. It can walk and talk.
B: (8)_____
A: Yes. If you touch the nose, it sings.
B: (9)_____
A: Yes. This way, please. There are many over there.
B: (10)_____

