Ronaldo is a player. A. Brazilian football B. Brazilian basketball C. American football D. American basketball 查看更多



     Jim is a basketball fan. He is very good at (擅长) playing basketball.  Michael Jordan (乔丹) is his
  favorite basketball player. Michael Jordan is an American (美国人). Jim is in the school basketball club.
  Every Friday afternoon they play basketball after class. Jim's friend Amy isn't good at basketball, but she
  is very good at football. Ronaldo (罗纳尔多) is her favorite football player.Ronaldo is a Brazilian (巴西
 人). Amy plays football with her classmates every Saturday afternoon at school.
1. Jim is good at _____.
    A. volleyball    
    B. football    
    C. basketball    
    D. badminton
2. Amy plays _____  well.
    A. football    
    B. badminton    
    C. tennis    
    D. basketball
3. Michael Jordan is _____ .
    A. an American    
    B. an Englishman (英国人)
    C. Chinese    
    D. a Brazilian
4. Ronaldo comes from _____ .
    A. England (英国)  
    B. Brazil (巴西)    
    C. China    
    D. America
5. Jim plays basketball on____  ,but Amy plays football on______.
    A. Sarurday; Friday    
    B. Sunday; Sunday
    C. Friday; Saturday    
    D. Friday; Friday


  Ronaldo is one of the world's top football players. He was born on September 22,1976. He was the winner of the prize for the Best Latin-American Football Player. The Royal Madrid player said he wanted to keep on winning.

  He showed great talent from an early age. Half year after his 17th birthday, he became a member of the Brazilian national team. In 1996 and 1997, he won the World Footballer of the Year prize. He was the youngest ever to win it and the only one to win twice in a row(连续)。

  But there were also some difficulties on his road to success. He hurt his right knee badly in 1998, and got a lot of troubles after that.

  But these problems couldn't stop him. He made a successful return to football. In 2002, he help Brazil win the World Cup and did very well during the World Cup in 2006.

(1)Ronaldo is famous for ________.

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Asinging songs

Bacting movies

Cplaying football

Dplaying basketball

(2)Which team does he play for?

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AChinese team.

BJapanese team.

CRoyal Madrid.

DFrench team.

(3)When did he join the Brazilian national team?

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AIn 1976.

BIn 1997.

CIn 1996.

DIn 1994.

(4)What troubled him?

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AHe didn't like football.

BHe was too old.

CHis backache.

DHe hurt his knee badly.

(5)Which country got the championship during the World Cup in 2002

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