The blue shirt is mine. is ? 查看更多



Vienna is a beautiful old city and it is also the 【小题1】. c___________ of European classical music. Johann Strauss the 【小题2】.e________ and the Johann Strauss the younger were two famous composers, and they were father and son. The father【小题3】.w________ and played lots of waltzes, and they 【小题4】.m_______ him famous all over Europe. The son was 【小题5】.e ________ more successful and popular than his father. His【小题6】. m _________ famous waltz was The Blue Danube. Mozart was another important composer at that time. He was【小题7】.b_______ in 1756 in Austria. He could play different kinds of instruments when he was young. His family took him 【小题8】.a________ Europe and he gave concerts in many cities. He wrote his first opera when he was 12 and he composed 【小题9】.h_______ of beautiful pieces of music. He died at the 【小题10】.a______ of 35.


Henry’s family has a picnic on the weekend.They ask their friends,Nancy and her husband(丈夫),to go with them.On Sunday morning,Henry’s wife(妻子),Kate,gets up early to get ready for(为…作准备)some food for the picnic.At nine o’clock in the morning,Nancy calls and tells Henry she would like to bring something to the picnic.Kate calls her back and asks her to bring a big bottle of orange juice.The two families go to a park near Nancy’s house.There are tables and chairs under the trees near the river(河).They can see the blue sky and green water there.Everyone likes the picnic and they have a nice Sunday afternoon in the park.
【小题1】There are(有) ___________people in the passage.

【小题2】_______ brings a big bottle of orange juice to the picnic.
A.NancyB.HenryC.Nancy and KateD.Kate’s husband
【小题3】______ are near the river.
A.Some flowersB.Some beds C.Some children D.Some trees
【小题4】They have the picnic______.
A.before 12 o’clockB.on the Sunday morning
C.on a rainy(有雨的) dayD.on the Sunday afternoon
【小题5】Which of these is right?
A.The park is near Henry and Kate’s house.
B.At 9 o’clock in the morning,Nancy calls Kate.
C.They don’t like the picnic.
D.From the passage,we can’t know Nancy’s husband’s name.


In the tenth grade, I began volunteering at a vet hospital in order to get experience for what I thought would be my future job. As it turned out, the experience I got at the hospital taught me the opposite: my future was not in vet medicine. However, there is one particular Saturday morning that taught me something maybe more important.

The hospital was in the middle of one of the poorer sections of the city and we often had people come in who could just only pay for the most basic treatments. This Saturday a man and his young son, who was probably about 7 years old, walked in with a small cat in a cardboard box. I remember the cat had an eye infection (感染) but the man could not afford to pay for the cost of the medicine in addition to the exam. When he asked where the nearest the animal shelter(庇护所) was, his son cried and started to argue with his father. Out of the blue, an older woman who was sitting in the waiting room stood up, walked up to the counter, and told the man that she would pay for anything that he could not afford. The man thanked her and the son got to keep a healthy cat.

I had always thought it was the right thing to help out a needy person, but it was only seen on TV or in movies. The woman in the vet’s office taught me that these things do happen in real life, and should happen more often. When I am hesitant (犹豫) to help someone who is in need, I remember that woman, and have the courage to do it. Sometimes other people follow.

1.Why did the writer work at the vet hospital?

A.He thought he would work there in the future.

B.He wanted to get some skills of treating animals.

C.He wanted to get some money for his schooling.

D.He wanted to get some experience for his future work.

2.What is the most important according to the writer?

A.How to be a kind person who helps others.

B.The practical experience of the vet job.

C.How to deal with the owners of pets.

D.The knowledge of vet medicine.

3.What does the underlined phrase “out of the blue”?

A.Out of order.       B.All of a sudden .     C.Now and then.      D.First of all.

4.________ made the writer have the courage to help someone in need.

A.The officer        B.The boy           C.The woman        D.The father



People talk with words. Do you think you can talk without words? A smile on your face __ that you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell __ that you are sad. When you __ your hand in class, the teacher knows you want to say __ or ask questions. You shake your head, and people know you are saying “ no”. You nod and people know you are saying __.

Other things can also give some __. For example, a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus to take. A sign on the wall of your school helps you find the library. Signs on doors tell you __ to go.

People talk to each other in many other __. An artist uses his pictures to tell about the blue sea, about beautiful mountains and many other things. __ write books to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. They all help us to know __ is going on in the world.

1.A. appears B.brings out C.shows D.talks

2.A.others B.the others C. other D.the other

3.A.put on B.put out C. put up D.put down

4.A.something B.anything C.everything D.nothing B.hello C.yes D.nothing

6.A.message B.saying C.meaning D.information

7.A.which B.where C. how D.what

8.A.things C.ways D.roads

9.A.Magicians B.Traders C.Dentists D.Writers B.what C.that D.where



In English the weather is changable. It is a ___1____ subject of conversation. “ Isn’t it a nice day?” “Do you think it will rain?” “I think it’s going to snow. ” People often ___2____ a conversation ___3_____ these words(话).
Many people think they can tell what the weather is going to be like, but they hardly (几乎不) ever agree with each other.
____4___ may say,“Do  you see ____5____ in the east ? It’s going to rain tomorrow . ” Another man will say,“No . It’s going to be fine . ” People often ____6___ the weather they want. When a farmer needs water , he looks for something to tell him. “ It’s going to rain. ” He won’t believe (相信) anything else. When friends have a picnic (举行野餐) , they hope the weather is going to be fine and they can ____7___ under the blue sky . Almost (几乎) everyone ____8____ what the weather (气象预报员) will say. But he doesn’t always __9___ us what we want , and sometimes he makes mistakes (犯错误) . Still he usually  _10_ closer to being correct (正确)  than anyone else.

A.set offB.startC.beganD.stops
A.One peopleB.A manC.Other menD.Another man
【小题5】 is cloudyB.cloudy is itC.cloudy it it cloudy
A.look forB.look upC.look at D.ask for
【小题7】 sit
A.hearsB.listensC.hears fromD.listens to
A.ask B.tellC.speakD.say
【小题10】 come

