( )He is of the two. A.younger B.the younger C.the youngest D.young 查看更多




Jimmy helps his father in the garden. Jimmy is the youngest in his family. His father wants to plant two trees. So he and Jimmy dig two holes in the garden. Then Jimmy's father plants the trees. Jimmy's tree is shorter than his father's. Jimmy looks at the trees. “Our garden looks much nicer now,” he says.“No, it doesn't,”his father answers.“ It's full of weeds.”“Still, it's the nicest garden in the neighborhood.” Jimmy says.“The nicest garden?” his father asks.“Yes,” Jimmy answers. “Nobody's grass is longer than ours!”


Jimmy helps his father ______ .

A.in the house    

B.on the playground

C.in the garden    

D.in the field

[  ]


Jimmy is ______ in his family.


B.the most youngest

C.the youngest    

D.the young child

[  ]


Jimmy thinks their garden is ______ in the neighborhood.

A.the nicest    

B.nice enough

C.not nice    


[  ]


What's the meaning of the word “weeds”?





[  ]


梂hat are the two trees like? 桹ne is ______ the other.

A.as tall as    

B.shorter than

C.as big as    

D.bigger than

[  ]



  Jimmy helps his father in the garden. Jimmy is the youngest in his family. His father wants to plant two trees. So he and Jimmy dig two holes in the garden. Then Jimmy's father plants the trees. Jimmy's tree is shorter than his father's. Jimmy looks at the trees. “our garden looks much nicer now,” he says.

  “No, it doesn't,” his father answers. “It's full of weeds.”

  “Still, it's the nicest garden in the neighbourhood.” Jimmy says.

  “The nicest garden?” his father asks.

  “Yes,” Jimmy answers. “Nobody's grass is longer than ours!”

1.Jimmy helps his father ________.

[  ]

A.in the house
B.on the playground
C.in the garden
D.in the field

2.Jimmy is ________ in his family.

[  ]

B.the most youngest
C.the youngest
D.the young child

3.Jimmy thinks their garden is ________ in the neighbourhood.

[  ]

A.the nicest
B.nice enough
C.not nice

4.What's the meaning of the word “weeds”?

[  ]


5.What are the two trees like? One is ________ the other.

[  ]

A.as tall as
B.shorter than
C.as big as
D.bigger than



    Do you need money? Write a 1etter to Mr.Percy Ross. he will give you some money.

Mr.Ross is a   2  man,and he likes to give people money.   3   does he give people money? People write letters to Mr. Ross. In their letters, they tell him why they need money. Mr. Ross gets 12,000 letters a week. He and his 12 assistants  4   all of the letters.Then Mr.Ross sends money to  5  of the people., Who can get money from Mr.Ross sends usually money to old people.sick people and poor children.A mother wrote  Mr.Ross,“I have two daughters,ages one  6  eight.I give the baby one bottle of milk every day.I want to give her two bottle  milk every day.  7  I don,t have enough money.I also want to give my  8  daughter ice cream sometimes.Can you help me?”Mr.Ross sent thea check.“This check will buy much more than milk and ice cream。”he wrote.

Who  10  get money from Mr.Ross? Mr.Ross usually doesn’t send money to  young,healthy people.A 16一year—old boy wrote,“I need$900 to buy a good used  car.I really need it because I 1ike a girl.She doesn't like me 11  I don,t have a car.”Mr.Ross wrote the boy,“You don't 12  a car.You need a different girlfriend.’’   13  does Percy Ross give people money?  When Mr.ROSS was a boy。he was  very  14  .He worked hard,and now he is a successful businessman.He wants to  15  poor people.And Mr.Ross is getting older.He wants to give all of his money  away before he dies.He says。“Who will get my money? I want to decide.”

1.A.And       B.Maybe     C.For sure        D.So

2.A.rich       B.poor       C.young          D.hardworking

3.A.When     B.Why       C.Where          D.How

4.A.read       B.write      C.return           D.1ooked at

5.A.all        B.none       C.some           D.one

6.A.and       B.or         C.to              D.in

7.A.because    B.but        C.so             D.since

8.A.younger    B.youngest   C.oldest          D.older

9.A.man       B.woman    C.daughter        D.baby

10.A.will      B.mustn't    C.can't           D.so

11.A.because   B.before    C.unless          D.so

12.A.have     B.buy      C.afford           D.need

13.A.Why     B.When    C.How            D.Where

14.A.small    B.rich      C.poor            D.strong

15.A.save     B.raise     C.become         D.help


It is Sunday. Martin and Steve are riding through(穿过) the town    1    their bikes. Martin is riding in the front. He has black hair. He is twelve years old. Steve is    2   .He is about eleven. The two boys are going to the river. They often go to the river    3    they like fishing. Then Martin sees a green van(有篷货车).It is standing in front of a shop. A big man is coming    4    the shop. He has an ugly(丑的) face.

He is    5    two large bags to the van. The boys can see a fat man    6    glasses. He is sitting in the van. Just then the ugly man drops one of the bags and some things    7    out of it.

The ugly man    8    the things quickly, put them into the bags and goes to the van. Martin and Steve ride    9    the road. They are going to ride to Martin’s grandpa’s house

  10   .He can telephone the police.

1.A.in               B.on            C.at               D.to

2.A.young            B.younger        C.youngest           D.the youngest

3.A.for             B.it             C.when                 D.because

4.A.out             B.back          C.out of                D.from

5.A.making           B.taking         C.bringing                 D.lifting

6.A.had              B.to wear           C.two                 D.with

7.A.fall             B.put           C.pull                  D.stop

8.A.wakes up          B.gets up         C.picks up               D.jumps up

9.A.up              B.to            C.down                 D.away

10.A.slowly          B.at once      C.early                 D.later




  My name is Toby.I'm eighty-three years old now.I once knew the greatest man in England.William Shakespeare was his name.I first met William near a big field of apple trees in the town named Stratford in October, 1579.He told me he was 15 years old.He was two years older than me.He had a sister, Joan, and two younger brothers, Gilbert and Richard.And the next year he had another brother, Edmund.After William's parents died, he and his sister lived with his mother's brother.I became his friend from that day until he died.We met nearly every day.We were friends for thirty years.

  I once worked with him in the theatre, through the good times and the bad times.William was good at acting.He could make all kinds of people pleased.By 1592, he became very famous.He was always busy day and night.I don't know when he slept.He not only acted in plays, but also wrote his own plays.In his whole life, William wrote 37 plays in all.He was the best playwright in England.

  He wrote a play about love in 1595.It was Romeo and Juliet.He once used my name, Toby, in his play-Twelfth Night.In this play, Sir Toby Belch was a big fat man, who liked drinking too much and having a good time.Queen Elizabeth the First watched this play on the 6th of January, 1601.She liked it.

  William Shakespeare is dead now, of course.He has been dead for more than thirty years.There's no singing, no dancing, no plays.It isn't like that in my young days.But I can still think-and remember when William and I were young, we had a good time in London, William and I…


Toby and William first met in ________ .

[  ]










Who was William's youngest brother?

[  ]










In the second paragraph, the underlined word “playwright” means “a person who ________”.

[  ]


writes plays


performs in plays


watches plays


works in a theatre


Romeo and Juliet is a play about ________.

[  ]









