The flower is very beautiful. the flower is! 查看更多



Alice: Hi, Jerry, I heard you have fun with Peggy in Merry Park yesterday.
Jerry: Yes.  We had a great time there.  Why didn’t you come with us?  We got
there by bus in only ten minutes.
Alice: I know, but the ticket is more expensive on the weekend.  Also, I’ve been
there many times since it opened five years ago.  Did you try the Dandelion
Seat there?  It’s so popular that people have to wait for over an hour to get a
Jerry: You mean those flower-like umbrellas that fly high in the sky?
Alice: Yes.  I enjoyed riding on the Dandelion Seat and looking over the city.  It
was a great experience.
Jerry: Eh… I liked taking the train to get around the park better.  I don’t think it’s
fun to ride in the air.  I’d feel like I could fall down any time.
Alice: Maybe you would like it more at night.  It’s wonderful to see the beautiful
lights below your feet.
Jerry: Well… I’m afraid of high places.
Alice: Oh, I see.  That’s too bad.
【小题1】What can we learn about Merry Park?
A.It is newly opened.
B.It is also open at night.
C.It is across from Jerry’s house.
D.It has the same ticket price every day.
【小题2】 What may the Dandelion Seat look like?
【小题3】Which is NOT true?
A.Alice went to Merry Park before.
B.Jerry enjoyed going around Merry Park by train.
C.Jerry would like to try the Dandelion Seat next time.
D.Jerry and Peggy went to Merry Park on the weekend.



A. How much are they ?
B. Would you like to go with me ?
C. To the flower shop.
D. Can you go with me ?
E. What kind of flowers do yo0u want to buy ?
F. What are you going to do there、
G. Can I help you ?
A: hello, Wanghai! Where are you going ?
B:  【小题1】.
A: To flower shop ?   【小题2】.
B: Don’t you know tomorrow is the second Sunday of May ?
A: Oh, I remember! Tomorrow is Mother’s Day!
B; Yes, you’re right.   【小题3】.
A:Of course, I’d like to. Let’s go to the sop together.
(At the shop)
B:  【小题4】 
A: I think carnations are the best. What do you think ?
B: That’s great. I agree. Let’s choose some fresh ones.
A and B:   【小题5】 .
Saleswoman: They are 50 yuan in all.




A. How much are they?

B. Would you like to go with me?

C. To the flower shop.

D. Can you go with me?

E. What kind of flowers do you want to buy?

F. What are you going to do there?

G. Can I help you?

Li Ming: Hello, Wang Hai! Where are you going?

Wang Hai:      1.     

Li Ming: To the flower shop?      2.     

Wang Hai: Don’t you know tomorrow is the second Sunday of May?

Li Ming: Oh, I remember! Tomorrow is Mother’s Day!

Wang Hai: Yes, you’re right!       3.     

Li Ming: Of course, I’d like to. Let’s go to the shop together.

(At the shop)

Wang Hai:       4.    

Li Ming: I think carnations(康乃馨) are the best. What do you think?

Wang Hai: That’s great! I agree. Let’s choose some fresh ones.

Li Ming and Wang Hai:        5.     

Saleswoman: They are 50 yuan in all.



A king had a wonderful talent for growing flowers. He became old and didn’t want to deal with big things anymore. So he began to look for someone to take his place. But who could he trust for the job? He thought for a while and got an idea. He would let the flowers decide. He gave everyone a little seed (种子). The one who could grow the most beautiful flower from the seed would be the next leader.

    A girl called Serena was very beautiful and wanted to grow the most beautiful flower. She planted it in a nice pot and took great care of it, but nothing would grow.

    The next year she saw everyone come to the palace with pots full of beautiful flowers. She was disappointed but also went to the meeting with her empty pot. The king looked through all the flowerpots and then stopped at hers.

    “Why is your pot empty?” he asked.

    “Your Majesty (陛下), I did everything to make it grow, but I have failed,” she answered.

    “No, you didn’t,” he said.

“You see, the seeds I’ve given out were all roasted (烤过的), so nothing could come out of them. I have no idea where all these flowers come from. But you have been honest and by being so, you will become my successor (继承人).”

1.The king wanted to choose a person to _____.

A. be the next leader             B. grow beautiful flowers for him

C. be his daughter or son          D. make friends with him

2. How did the little seed show who was the right person?

A. It had some special power.

B. The king knew nothing could grow from it.

C. A special flower could grow from it.

D. Only a good person could grow beautiful flowers from it.

3.The king knew that those with pots of beautiful flowers _____.

A. worked hard          B. cheated him

C. were kind to plants     D. were good at growing flowers

4.In this passage the underlined word “given out” means ______.

A. 收到        B. 拿来         C. 分发       D. 奖励

5.From the story, we learn that _____ is a good quality.

A. Kindness     B. carefulness     C. honesty     D. politeness



There was a beautiful garden. Every year the king would go to the garden to decide which flower was the most beautiful one.
For the last few years, the rose was always Number One. Because of this, the rose Gulaab became arrogant. It would never let birds stay on its flower. Then all the birds started staying away from Gulaab.
Behind Gulaab, there was a little yellow flower. People called it Junglee. Junglee wasn’t more beautiful than Gulaab, but it welcomed the birds to stay on its flower. All the birds in the garden liked it.
This year the king went to the garden as before. The gardener pointed at the rose and said to the king, “ Your favourite flower, my king.”
Of course, the king also saw the yellow flower behind it and asked, “What flower is that?”
“Oh! That’s Junglee, a wild flower.”
“ I didn’t see a flower like it before. There are so many birds on it. I think it’s much more beautiful than the rose. It will be the King Flower of this year!” said the king.
【小题1】From the passage, we can know that Junglee was _________.

【小题2】What does the underlined word “arrogant” mean in Chinese?
【小题3】What do you think this passage is?
A.An ad.B.A story.C.A diary. D.A piece of news.
【小题4】Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.All the birds liked Gulaab.
B.The birds liked to stay on Junglee.
C.Gulaab was not beautiful this year.
D.The king didn’t like Junglee.
【小题5】What is the best title for the passage?
A.The king’s gardenB.The clever king
C.The flowers and the birdsD.The most beautiful flower

