How do you spell name? A. your B. he C. she D. I 查看更多



Find the correct response for the questions

1.Hello, I am Mary.

2.What’s your telephone number?

3.How do you spell pen?

4.What is her first name?

5.Is this your eraser?

6.Is Mary her sister?

7.Are these your friends?

8.Is Tom your brother?

9.What are those?

10.Nice to meet you.

A.Yes, it is.

B.No, she isn’t.

C.No, he isn’t.

D.Hello, I’m Jim


F.Yes, they are.

G.It’s 2980-7890

H.Nice to meet you, too.


J.They are computers.


(     )1. What does your sister do?    
(     )2. What color is it?        
(     )3. How do you spell your name, please?
(     )4. When is your mother's birthday?
(     )5. How are you?            
(     )6. Why do you like pandas?      
(     )7. Where is the post office?    
(     )8. Where are your friends from?  
(     )9. What does your brother want to be?
(     )10. How much is this shirt?    
A. Because they are cute.                  
B. Fine, thanks. And you?                  
C. She is a policewoman.              
D. Please turn right and you can find it.
E. They are from South Africa.            
F. It's on sale. Only 10 dollars.        
G. He wants to be an actor.                
H. It's red and white.                    
I. On October 7.                      
J. C-A-T-H-E-R-I-N-E, Catherine.          


Tom:Hello,Li Chen.How are you?

Li Chen:_______________________

Tom:This is my friend,Alice.Alice,this is Li Chen.

Li Chen:_______________________

Alice:Nice to meet you,too._______________________

Li Chen:No,It's L-I,Li,C-H-E-N,Chen.

Tom:What's this,Alice? Is it a photo of your family?


Li Chen:Are you from England?

Alice:Yes.My parents are in China now.

Li Chen:What's your father's job?


Tom:What about your mother?

Alice:She's an English teacher at a school.

Li hen:Tom.What's your mother's job? she a teacher,too?

Tom:No,she's a doctor at a hospital.

a.Nice to meet you,Alice.

b.Yes.These are my parents.

c.He's a hotel manager in Beijing.

d.I'm fine,thank you.

e.How do you spell your name? Is it L-E-E?

