I put some lowers next my window. 查看更多



1. Mother told her baby how to p           the banana before eating lt.
2. Tom, don't m         sugar with salt. They have the same color, so I can't separate(区分) them later.
3. The orange juice isn't sweet at all. Please a          some sugar to it.
4. Do you like r          (something which makes food delicious) on the chicken?
5. Would you like a c           of coffee?
6. I had a s          of bread for breakfast this morning.
7. How many              (西瓜) do we need?
8. Read the              (说明) on the bottle.
9.               (最后), he finished his work.
10. Put some l           (a kind of vegetable)on the bread.


       I asked Mom to let me cook dinner for the family last night. I told her I'd cook something simple so
she agreed.
       We usually eat Asian food like Chinese or Japanese, but I decided to make something different. I
chose an Italian food-Spaghetti with meat sauce(肉羹).Spaghetti is easy to cook.
       I put enough Spaghetti for everyone in my family into a pot of boiling, salted water. I let it cook for
about ten minutes. But before this, I made the meat sauce.
       I want the meat sauce to be really delicious. I chopped(剁碎)an onion into small pieces. I fried the
onion in the oil for a few minutes.
       When the onion was soft, I put some beef into the pot with the onions, and fried them together for a
few minutes. Then I added some tomatoes. Finally, I added some tomato juice and let it cook on a low
heat for about an hour.
       When the Spaghetti was ready, I put it into a large bowl. Then l poured the meat sauce over it.
       There was enough for everyone and we all put some cheese on top of it.  Everyone enjoyed it and
Mom said she would let me cook something else another day.
       I'm going to read a cook book and find something really interesting to cook.
1. I want to cook something ________for my family.
2. We usually eat _________food, but I decided to choose an _________food-Spaghetti.
3. I add some _________,beef into the meat sauce and it must be_________.
4. After frying beef with the onions together for a few minutes, I again added some_________.
5. Everyone in my family enjoyed the meal and I'm going to read a ________to find something
really ________to cook.


1. I put some tea l_____ on the floor.
2. Everyone was very s_____.
3. Lisa showed us some e_____.
4. Jenny often _____ ( 梳) her long hair in the morning.
5. We _____ ( 站立) up, when teachers come in.


1. I put some tea l______ on the floor.
2. Everyone was very s______.
3. Lisa showed us some e______.
4. Jenny often ______(梳) her long hair in the morning.
5. We ______(站立) up, when teachers come in.


A: 【小题1】_____________________________________, Sue?
B: Yes, please.
A: 【小题2】______________________________________, tea or orange juice?
B: Tea, please.
A: 【小题3】_________________________________ ?
B: No, thanks. 【小题4】_______________________________________________.
A: OK, 【小题5】___________________________________________.
B: Thanks.
A.Here you areB.Would you like a drinkC.Shall I put some sugar in it
D.Which would you like E. I like Chinese tea with nothing in it F. Thank you

