A: Can you tell me your age? B: I’m thirteen years old. 查看更多





A: Hi, Jim. I didn’t see you at Linda’s party. 1_________

B: I went to a summer camp

A: How was your vacation?

B: 2 __________ .We enjoyed ourselves and we made a lot of friends there.

A: 3___________

B: A lot of interesting things, like singing, dancing, playing games, having a party…

A: That sounds wonderful. 4__________

B: Yes, quite a lot.

A: Can you show the photos to me now?

B: 5___________ I don’t take them with me. I’ll bring them to school tomorrow.













在下面对话的空白处填入适当的话语(话语可以是句子、短语或词) 使对话完整。

A: Can you tell me where there is a good place to eat?

B: Of course. 1.would you like?

A: I like hot pot(火锅).

B: I think Sichuan Hot Pot Town is the best.

A: 2.

B: Because it is delicious and cheap. Also, it is quite near.

A: Thanks 3. there any good museums near here?

B: Yes, there’s a fascinating history museum.

A: Could you tell me 4.

B: Walk about three blocks. You can see a beautiful park. The museum is across from the park.

A: 5.

B: It’s not far from here, just ten minutes’ walk.



A : Can you tell me a little about Mexico City?

B : ___1.____. What would you like to know?

A : Well, what is a good time to visit?

B : _____2.______ The weather is always nice.

A : Oh, good! _____3.______.

B : Well, you should visit the National Museum and go to the Palace of the Fine Arts.

A : ________4._______________ .

B : Oh, you shouldn’t miss the Pyramid of the Sun. _____5.____.

A : It sounds really exciting.



补全对话 阅读下面一则对话,在空白处填入适当的句子,使补全后的对话意思完整,结构合理,上下连贯。每个空白处只能填写一个句子。[有的小题可能有多个答案,请写出你最满意的那一句。](每小题2分,共8分)
A: Can you tell me 【小题1】 ______________________________?
B: Of course. There is a good place to have different delicious food. It’s just on the Central Road.
A: That’s good. I would like to eat vegetarian. 【小题2】______________________________?
B: Burnt barbecued meat.
A: Oh. It’s not good for us. I suggest eating something healthy.
B: Um…in your opinion, 【小题3】 ______________________________?
A: There’re many. Like fruit and vegetables, something without additives(添加剂), yogurt and so on.
B: I agree. The Green Land has very nice salads. It’s not far from here.
A: 【小题4】 ______________________________?
B: Great. Walking is also good for our health.


用所给选项完成对话, 将序号填在对话下面的横线上(10分)

A.How are you
C.How old are you
D.What’s your name
G.I’m fine
I.Excuse me
J.It’s a pen
A:    【小题1】  !   【小题2】 ?
B: My name is Liu Ying.
A:    【小题3】 ?
B: Fine.    【小题4】  . How are you?
A:    【小题5】  , too.    【小题6】  , What’s this in English?
B:    【小题7】 .
A: Can you spell it, please?
B:    【小题8】. P— E— N  pen.
A: Thank you.    【小题9】 ?
B: I’m thirteen.
A: Goodbye!
B:    【小题10】 !

