look +adj. 表示看上去怎么样 查看更多



  “You shouldn’t be so noisy, Your Majesty,” Alice said to the black kitten.You’ve woken me out of a very nice dream.I’ve been all through the looking-glass world.And I think that you were the Red Queen, weren’t you?

  It is impossible to guess if a kitten is saying “yes” or “no”.Alice looked among the chessmen on the table until she found the Red Queen.Then she sat on the carpet and put the kitten and the Queen to look at each other.

  “Curtsy while you’re thinking what to say, ” Alice said, with a little laugh.“It saves time, remember!”

  But the kitten turned its head away and wouldn’t look at the Queen.

  “ Now, Kitty, ” Alice went on, “ who was it who dreamed it all, do you think?No, lis-ten-don’t start washing your paws now.You see, Kitty, it was either me or the Red King.He was part of my dream, of course-but then I was part of his dream too!Was it the Red King, Kitty?”

  But the kitten began to Wash its other paw, and pretended it hadn’t heard the question.

  Who do you think was dreaming?

  注:wake vt.打断睡眠,吵醒

  dream n.梦

  impossible adj.不可能的

  carpet n.地毯

  paw n.猫爪 pretend v.假装


What was the black kitten?

[  ]


A dog.


A cat.


A bird.


A kid.


Why did Alice look among the chessmen on the table?

[  ]


Because she wanted to play the chess.


Because she wanted to make a nice dream again.


Because she was trying to find another kitten.


Because she wanted to find a chessman.


What’s the meaning of “curtsy”?

[  ]










Did the kitten hear what Alice said?

[  ]


Yes, he didn’t.


No, he did.


Yes, he did.


No, he didn’t.


Which is the best title below?

[  ]


The Kitten.


The dream.


Who dreamed it?


Where is the dream?




  take phrasal verbs

  take after sb, phr. v [T not in progressive form]to look or behave like (an older relative): Mary really takes after her mother; she has the same eyes, nose and hair.

  take off phr. v

  1.[T](take sth, off) to remove (esp. clothes): Take your coat of f. opposite put on.

  2.[I](of a plane, spacecraft, etc.) to rise into the air at the beginning of a flight.

  3.[T](take sb. off) informal to copy the speech or manners of (someone), esp. for amusement; mimic: The actor made everyone laugh by taking off the members of the royal family.

  4.[T](take sth, off) to have a holiday from work on (the stated day) or for (the stated period): I'm taking Thursday off because 1'm moving house./Take a few days off, Michael.

  5.[I]to begin to become successful, popular, or well-known: It was at this point that her acting career really took off.

  6.[I]informal to go away, esp. on a journey or to leave in a hurry: She just took off without saying goodbye to anyone.

  take (sth.) over phr. v

  [I; T]to gain control over and be responsible for (something): Who do you think will take over now that the governor has Left./I'm feeling too tired to drive any more; will you take over?

  take to sb./sth. phr. v

  [T]to feel a liking for, esp. at once: I took to Paul as soon as we met./I'm not sure if he'll take to the idea.

  take sb./sth, up phr. v [T]

  1.to begin to spend time doing; interest oneself in:John took up acting while he was at college. [+-ving]Alfred's just taken up playing the guitar.

  2.(of things or events) to fill or use (space or time) esp. in a way that is unpleasant:The job took up most of Sunday./These boxes of yours are taking up too much space.

  3.to continue:I'll take up the story where I finished yesterday.

  注释:amusement n.娱乐活动  gain vt.获得

  mimic adj.模拟的  responsible adj.有责任的


1.Which “take off” in the following sentences has a different meaning?

[  ]

A.I took a week off in October and I'm taking off Thanksgiving, too.

B.Everyone takes Christmas off.

C.She used to take off her teacher to make her friends laugh.

D.You need a break. Why not take a fortnight off from work?

2.Melissa ________ her father in being generous.

[  ]

A.takes after
B.takes off
C.takes to
D.takes up

3.“Today, we are to ________ Unit 11, Planting trees.” Our teacher said to us at the very beginning of the class.

[  ]

A.take after
B.take off
C.take to
D.take up

4.He will ________ my job while I ________ a week ________ for New York.

[  ]

A.take after, take…to

B.take up, take…after

C.take to, take…over

D.take over, take…off

5.I ________ her the moment I met her.

[  ]

A.took after
B.took to
C.took over
D.took off


Perhaps the only test score that I remember is the 55 when I was in high school.
The test was the final for a course. I remember waiting anxiously as my teacher Mr. Right passed out our papers one by one. It was a rather difficult test. I heard my classmates groaning, and I could tel by the groans that the scores weren’t looking good.
Mr. Right put my paper on my desk. There in big red numbers, circled to draw attention, was my score, 55!
I lowered my head, and covered the score up quickly. A 55 is not something that you wanted your classmates to see.“The scores were not very good, none of you passed,”Mr. Right said. “The highest score in the class was a 55.”
A 55. That’s me!
Suddenly my sad look didn’t look so bad. I had the highest score. I felt a lot better.
I walked home alone that day with the low but high score. My father knew that I had a big test that day and asked me as soon as I got home, “How did you do in your test?”“I made a 55,”I said.
A frown(皱眉)now stood on my father’s face. I knew I had to explain immediately. “But Dad, I had the highest score in the calss,”I proudly stated. I thought that explanation would make a difference.“You failed!”my father replied.“But it’s the highest!” I insisted.“I don’t care what scores others had, but you failed. What matters is what you do!”my father firmly said.
For years, my father was always that way. It didn’t matter what others did, it only mattered what I did and that I did it excelently.
We often don’t understand the wisdom(智慧)of good parents until we ourselves stand in the parents’shoes. My father’s words have carried me throughout life.
【小题1】 The word groaning is the closest in meaning to _____.

【小题2】 In class, to hide my score from my classmates, I _____.
A.lowered my headB.covered my score up
C.walked home aloneD.explained immediately
【小题3】 A frown stood on my father’s face because he thought _____.
A.I did a bad job in the test
B.I gave a good excuse
C.I became the worst student
D.I stood in his shoes
【小题4】 We can infer from the passage that _____.
A.the father was strict with his child.
B.the writer was always poor in tests.
C.Mr. Right was worried about the writer
D.the writer was always happy with his scores
【小题5】 Which is the best title of the passage?
A.The Final TestB.That’s Me!
C.My strict TeacherD.Scores, Important?


  Look at Mr Green's family. The old man is Tom Green. He is Mr Green's father. Mr Green is a police officer. His wife, Helen Green is a bus driver. They have a son and a daughter. They are Jim and Lucy. Jim and Lucy have a cousin, Mary. Mary is a student.

(1) The old man is Jim and Lucy's ________.

[  ]


(2) Lucy has ________.

[  ]

A.a friend
B.a brother
C.a sister
D.two sisters

(3) Mary's father is Lucy and Jim's ________.

[  ]


(4) Lucy's father is a ________.

[  ]

B.police officer
D.bus driver

(5) There are ________ people in Mr Green's family.

[  ]



  Salesman: $73.07,please.
  Peter:   What? Show me the receipt.
  Salesman: Here it is.

Peter:   Look. The price on this shirt is $17. But the receipt says $27.
  Salesman: You are right. The receipt is wrong.
  Peter:   And what is the $5.57 for?
  Salesman: That’s for tax(税).
【小题1】 The $5.57 is for the ___________.

【小题2】 When did Peter do some shopping?
A.On June 17.B.At noon.C.On June 25.D.In the morning

