learn English from my teacher 查看更多



My name is Sally. I study in a great middle school in our city.I take a l to school every day. Our yellow school bus is 2 ,and it can hold(容纳)40 people at a time.The driver(司机)is very nice. He says“hello”to us when he  3 us every morning. On the school bus, I make friends with some students  4 other grades(年级).We usually  5 about our families, friends and school lives.
Tina is our  6 teacher.She also takes the school bus to work every day.She’s beautiful and her English classes are  7 interesting. On the bus,she often tells us something about life. She is  8 a friend to us.We all like to listen to her  9 we call learn(学习)a lot from her. The school bus brings(带来) me lots of  10 . It makes my life interesting.
【小题1】A. car    B. bus     C. train
【小题2】A. big    B. quick    C. old
【小题3】A. asks    B. meets    C. leaves
【小题4】A. for    B.with    C. from
【小题5】A. talk    B. think    C. dream
【小题6】A. Chinese B. math    C. English
【小题7】A. either  B. also    C. only
【小题8】A. for    B. with    C.like
【小题9】A. so     B. because  C. but
【小题10】A. fun    B. health   C.problems


My name is Sally. I study in a great middle school in our city.I take a l to school every day. Our yellow school bus is 2 ,and it can hold(容纳)40 people at a time.The driver(司机)is very nice. He says“hello”to us when he  3 us every morning. On the school bus, I make friends with some students  4 other grades(年级).We usually  5 about our families, friends and school lives.

Tina is our  6 teacher.She also takes the school bus to work every day.She’s beautiful and her English classes are  7 interesting. On the bus,she often tells us something about life. She is  8 a friend to us.We all like to listen to her  9 we call learn(学习)a lot from her. The school bus brings(带来) me lots of  10 . It makes my life interesting.

1.A. car    B. bus     C. train

2.A. big    B. quick    C. old

3.A. asks    B. meets    C. leaves

4.A. for    B.with    C. from

5.A. talk    B. think    C. dream

6.A. Chinese B. math    C. English

7.A. either  B. also    C. only

8.A. for    B. with    C.like

9.A. so     B. because  C. but

10.A. fun    B. health   C.problems



My name is Sally. I study in a great middle school in our city.I take a l to school every day. Our yellow school bus is 2 ,and it can hold(容纳)40 people at a time.The driver(司机)is very nice. He says“hello”to us when he  3 us every morning. On the school bus, I make friends with some students  4 other grades(年级).We usually  5 about our families, friends and school lives.
Tina is our  6 teacher.She also takes the school bus to work every day.She’s beautiful and her English classes are  7 interesting. On the bus,she often tells us something about life. She is  8 a friend to us.We all like to listen to her  9 we call learn(学习)a lot from her. The school bus brings(带来) me lots of  10 . It makes my life interesting.
小题1:A. car    B. bus     C. train
小题2:A. big    B. quick    C. old
小题3:A. asks    B. meets    C. leaves
小题4:A. for    B.with    C. from
小题5:A. talk    B. think    C. dream
小题6:A. Chinese B. math    C. English
小题7:A. either  B. also    C. only
小题8:A. for    B. with    C.like
小题9:A. so     B. because  C. but
小题10:A. fun    B. health   C.problems


My granddaughter, 10, was very happy the day before yesterday because her mother and the mother of one of her classmates took them to a park and a Pizza Hut (比萨饼屋)to celebrate Children’s Day. For a whole day, the two girls played heartily – no homework, no extra-curricular(课外) skills training. The happy life lasted only for one day. Yesterday, everything returned to normal: doing homework till late at night and going over lessons learned at last weekend’s English and “ Olympic mathematics” (数学奥赛) courses.

Every time I went to my daughter’s house in the evening, I saw my granddaughter sitting by the small desk in her room doing math exercises or writing a compositions given by her teacher. On the white wall behind the desk are some words she wrote. One sentence reads: “ Why is the exercise endless?”

Poor girl!

Although teachers have stopped giving after-school homework to primary school children, parents have been forcing their kids to take part in different kinds of extra-curricular training courses-learning English, painting, music instrument (乐器), weiqi, “ Olympic mathematics” and so on, every Saturday and Sunday.

Are these extra-curricular courses really necessary in children’s education? The answer is certainly “ No”. Take the so-called “ Olympic mathematics” for example. These courses are very difficult for the children to understand. Often, they are difficult even for adults (成年人).

(   )1. The writer’s granddaughter celebrated her Children’s Day by _____.

           A.playing all day              B.doing nothing

           C.having a party              D.going over lessons

(   )2. Usually at weekends the girl will _______.

A.stay at home               B.play with their classmates

C.do whatever she likes        D.go to different kinds of training courses

(   )3. The writer thinks that her granddaughter ______.

A.lives a happy life            B.goes to bed early at weekend

C.has too much homework      D.likes to do more exercises

(   )4. Which is true according to (根据)the passage?

A.The “Olympic Mathematics” is too difficult for kids.

B.The grandfather thinks playing is more important than learning.

C.Teachers often give students useless homework.

D.The parents don’t want their kids to do lots of homework.

(   )5. From the last paragraph(段落)we know that the writer thinks _____.

A.only school courses are useful to kids

B.some extra-curricular courses kids learn after school are not necessary

C.some extra-curricular courses are even more difficult for adults

D.kids shouldn’t learn difficult courses


My name is Sabrina. I’m 23 year old. I come from London. Now I live(生活) in Beijing. I love teaching English . I think it’s interesting. I can speak Chinese, too. I have experience(经验) in teaching English in China.

My e—mail address is sabrina@sina.com.


I’m Bill, an 18—year—old student. I live in Nanjing now. I can play the guitar well. I like to be a teacher. I have free time on weekends. Do you want to learn the guitar? Please call me at 15069606503.


I’m June Smith. I’m 25. I can swim well. I want to be a swimming teacher. I love kids and I’m good with kids. I can help them learn to swim. If you need a teacher in your club, please e—mail me at june@sina.com.

(  )61. Sabrina wants to be (想要成为)_______ .

A. a Chinese teacher   B. an English teacher

C. a guitar teacher    D. a swimming teacher

(  )62. Bill lives in _______ .

A. Nanjing  B. Beijing  C. Shanghai  D. Hefei

(  )63. June wants to work in a(n) _______ club.

A. English  B. music  C. swimming   D. soccer

(  )64.. Lisa needs a swimming teacher . She can _________

A. call June B. e—mail June C. call Sabrina D. e—mail Sabrina

(  )65. Bob wants Bill to teach him the guitar on?????????????????????????????????????????????__________

A. Monday  B. Wednesday  C. Friday  D. Sunday

