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There was once a lonely girl who wanted love very much.One day while she was walking in the forest,she found two birds.She took them home and put them in a small  1 .She was happy to have two“friends”.She  2 them with love and the birds grew strong.One day the girl forgot to close the door of the cage.The   3 of the two flew out of the cage.The girl was afraid that it would fly away.She caught it quickly.She felt glad that she caught the bird before it could fly away.Suddenly she couldn’t  4 a sound from the bird.When she opened her hand,the bird was already(已经)dead.Her  5 killed(杀死)the bird! Then she saw  6 bird jumping up and down  7 the cage.She could feel its great need for freedom.It wanted to fly into the blue sky.So she let it fly away  8 .The bird circled(转圈)once,twice,and three times.The girl  9 as the bird flew.She didn’t care about losing the bird any more.She wanted it to be happy.Suddenly the bird flew closer and landed softly on her shoulder.It sang the  10 song she had ever heard(她所听过的).
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly,and the best way to keep love is to give it wings.
A.looked forB.looked atC.looked afterD.looked over
A.oneB.the otherC.anotherD.other


It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb, “There is no Father Christmas.”
I ran to my grandmother’s house, for she always told the truth. Grandma was at home. I told __11___ everything. “No Father Christmas?” she was a little ___12____. “Don’t believe it. Put on your coat, and let’s go.”
“Go? Where, Grandma?” I asked.
“Kerby’s Store.”
As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars and said, “Take the __13___ and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for in the car.” Then she turned and walked out of the Kerby’s.
For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering ___14___ to buy, and who to buy it for.
I thought of ___15___ I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors … I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decker, a __16___ with bad and messy hair. He sat right behind me ___17____ Mrs. Pollack’s class.
Bobbie ___18___ went to any party during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, ___19____ we all knew that he didn’t have a cough, and he didn’t have a coat. I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat ___20____ he would like.
That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, and ___21___ “To Bobbie, From Father Christmas” on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he ___22___ them. Then she drove me over to Bobbie’s house, telling that I was helping Father Christmas ____23___ the presents.
Grandma parked the car along the street, and we hid behind the trees near Bobbie’s house. Then Grandma said to me, “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”
I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the present down. ____24___ the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the ____25_____ and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie.
That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team.
【小题8】A. always   B. often   C. sometime   D never
A.give upB.give awayC.put upD.put off


It was yearbook day and we were given an hour to sign each other’s yearbooks in the cafeteria. I was president of the class and I played sports. When I sat down at a table, people started to come over to get their yearbooks signed and to sign __36__.
Among them, a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shaking. I had seen him around, and I knew he was always laughed at. He seemed __37__ of himself, and was so pale that it __38__ us to look at him.
He came up and asked me nervously, “Can you sign this?” I took his yearbook but I didn’t know __39__ to write. I saw that there was the name “Ricky Sanders” written on the front of it. So I wrote:

I put down the yearbook and turned around to get some signatures from some of my friends when I __40__ my yearbook was gone. I saw that Ricky had sat down with my yearbook. “What are you doing?” I asked him. He looked up calmly(平静地) and __41__said “Sign!”
My friends broke into a loud laugh, and I saw that he was carefully frying to put a signature in my yearbook. He hadn’t even finished the “R” yet. I thought for a while and __42__ to let him sign.
It took him nearly five minutes to sign and when I got my yearbook back, there was a very shaky “RICKY”. He hugged(紧抱) his yearbook and __43__. I couldn’t help but smile back at him.
In that moment, my __44__ changed completely.
I gave him a high five and suddenly everyone at my table wanted his signature. He was asked politely to write in their yearbooks and the signature __45__ of his yearbook were filled up. He was smiling so big that it lit up the whole room.
I changed school the next year, and I never saw Ricky again. However, I will never forget the day that he became the most __46__ guy in school. Whenever I’m __47__, I still look back at that yearbook.
【小题7】decided               B. meant            C. began             D. prepared


It snowed again.My seventh Christmas was round the corner.I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb.“There is no Father Christmas.” 
I ran to my grandmother’s house, for she always told the truth.Grandmother was at home. I told _1_everything.“No Father Christmas?”she was a little_2_.“Don’t belive it.Put on your coat,and let’s go.”
“Go?Where,Grandma?” I asked.
“Kerby’s Store.”
As we walked through its doors. Grandma handed me the dollars and said.“Take the _3_and buy something for someone who needs it.I’ll wait for you in the car.”Then she turned and walked out of the Kerby’s.
For a few seconds I just stood there,holding the money,wondering_4_to buy,and who to buy it for.
I thought of_5_I knew my family,my friends,my neighbours…I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decbar, a _6_with bad breath and messy hair.He sat right  behind me_7_Mrs. Polack’s class.
Bobbie_8_went to any party during the winter.His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, _9_we all knew that he didn’t have a cough,and he didn’t have a coat.I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat_10_he would like.
That evening, grandma helped  me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, and_11_“To Bobbie.From Father Christmas”on it.Grandma told me Father Christmas never let  people know that he _12_ them.Then she drove me over to Bobbie’s home ,telling that I was helping Father Christmas_13_ the presents.
Grandma parked the car along the street.and we hid behind the trees near Bobbie’s home .Then Grandma said to me.“All right , Father Christmas get going.”
I took a deep breath,rushed to his front door,put the present down_14_the door,rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the _15_and Grandma.We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open.Finally it did and there stood Bobbie.
That night ,I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well.and we were on his team.
A.give upB.give awayC.put upD.put off


Put 2 February in your diary! It is World Wetlands Day! It marks the date that the

Convention(公约) on Wetlands was signed(签署)in1971.This special day was first celebrated in 1997 and it is celebrated every year.

  The celebration is a call for action. It is a way to show people how important and

useful the wetlands are for people. On World Wetlands Day, people around the world take

part in many wetlands activities. People take trips to the local wetlands. There are talks

about how important the wetlands are. People get together to clean up their local wetlands

Children draw pictures to advertise the day. People also compete(比赛)in boat races.

  The World Wetlands Day is important! If there are no wetlands, there will be no water for anyone in the future. Wetlands help protect nature and resources(资源)like fresh water. Already, more than 10000 million people in the world do not have fresh water.

  Many people do not know how important the wetlands are. They can understand why an

elephant or a tiger is important because they are big, beautiful animals. It is much harder for

them to understand how important the animals in the wetlands are. These small animals,

such as frogs and snails, play a very important part in keeping the balance of nature.

  All plants and animals are part of the food chain(链).If the small wetlands animals

die, some animals in the food chain will have nothing to eat. They will also die. People

need the wetlands to keep the balance of nature in the world. If we do not protect nature

today,it will be gone tomorrow.

46. What should you put in your diary?

  A. Some frogs.

  B. The date of World Wetlands Day.

  C. 1971

  D. Any special day.

47. Where do people celebrate World Wetlands Day?

  A. All over the world.            B. In ships

  C. At home.                D. In their own way.

48. Which of the following sentences is NOT true?

  A. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking part in competitions.

  B. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking hips to local wetlands.

  C. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by listening to talks about the wetlands.

  D. People celebrate World Wetlands Day by talking about the weather.

49. Why are small animals important?

  A. They are part of the balance of nature and the food chain.

  B. They are beautiful.

  C. Bigger animals are eaten by them

  D. Without them, there may be no water.

50. Which of the following might be the best title of the article?

  A. Wetlands Are Important

  B. Small Animals Are Also Important

  C. World Wetlands Day

  D. Food Chain

