When the boy his homework? A. do, do B. does, does C. do, does D. does, do 查看更多



When _____ the boy _____ his homework ?   
[     ]
A. do; do
B. does; does
C. do; does
D. does; do


Wang Bing is a 12-year-old boy. He likes sports very much and does well in sports.

One afternoon, he comes out of the classroom and sees his father waiting for him at the school gate. He is very glad and he runs to his father. “Dad, please don’t wait for me after school next time. I can go home by myself. I have grown up,” says Wang Bing.

“Let’s go,” says the father, “I’ll cook supper and you can do your homework at home. Mum is still at work.”

On their way home, Wang Bing sees some boys skating in a park. “Can I go and learn skating, Dad?” asks Wang Bing. “I’m sorry, my boy. You must go home and do your homework,” answers his father, “but I can buy you an ice cream.”

Then his father buys an ice cream for him. When Wang Bing wants to eat it, a fly(苍蝇) flies to the ice-cream.

“Drive off(赶走) the fly,” says his father, “it’s very dirty(脏).” But Wang Bing says with a smile, “You don’t let me skate, but can you let him skate for a while(一会儿)?”

(    )71.       There are ________ people in Wang Bing’s family.

A. 8                             B. 5                      C. 3                      D. 2

(    )72.       Wang Bing is good at _______.

A. making puppets         B. skating              C. singing              D. sports

(    )73.       What’s the meaning of the sentence “I have grown up.”?

A.我已经长高了                                     B.我已经种了一棵树.

C.我已经长大了                                     D.我认识路.

(    )74.       On the way home, Wang Bing wants to ___________.

A. eat an ice cream                                    B. play basketball   

C. go swimming                                        D. learn skating

(    )75.       Which one is RIGHT?

A. Wang Bing wants the fly to go away.        B. Wang Bing is not very happy.

C. Wang Bing likes the fly on the ice-cream.         D. Wang Bing is very happy


Wang Bing is a 12-year-old boy. He likes sports very much and does well in sports.

One afternoon, he comes out of the classroom and sees his father waiting for him at the school gate. He is very glad and he runs to his father. “Dad, please don’t wait for me after school next time. I can go home by myself. I have grown up,” says Wang Bing.

“Let’s go,” says the father, “I’ll cook supper and you can do your homework at home. Mum is still at work.”

On their way home, Wang Bing sees some boys skating in a park. “Can I go and learn skating, Dad?” asks Wang Bing. “I’m sorry, my boy. You must go home and do your homework,” answers his father, “but I can buy you an ice cream.”

Then his father buys an ice cream for him. When Wang Bing wants to eat it, a fly(苍蝇) flies to the ice-cream.

“Drive off(赶走) the fly,” says his father, “it’s very dirty(脏).” But Wang Bing says with a smile, “You don’t let me skate, but can you let him skate for a while(一会儿)?”

(    )71.       There are ________ people in Wang Bing’s family.

A. 8                             B. 5                      C. 3                      D. 2

(    )72.       Wang Bing is good at _______.

A. making puppets         B. skating              C. singing              D. sports

(    )73.       What’s the meaning of the sentence “I have grown up.”?

A.我已经长高了                                     B.我已经种了一棵树.

C.我已经长大了                                     D.我认识路.

(    )74.       On the way home, Wang Bing wants to ___________.

A. eat an ice cream                                    B. play basketball   

C. go swimming                                        D. learn skating

(    )75.       Which one is RIGHT?

A. Wang Bing wants the fly to go away.        B. Wang Bing is not very happy.

C. Wang Bing likes the fly on the ice-cream.         D. Wang Bing is very happy



Tim is a 16-year-old boy who studies in a high school .His parents tell him to study hard and they do everything for him.They wake him up at 6:00 am,and after breakfast his

father takes him to school by car.As soon as the young man comes home from school,the

supper is ready.Of course,he never does chores(家务杂务)。

Once,Tim’s father would go to London on business for a year.Before leaving,he told

his wife to look after their son well.The woman had to get up earlier and did all what

her husband did before.Two months later,she was so tired that she was ill.The young man

got into trouble at once.He couldn’t do housework.Even he didn’t know where to get on the bus.

Yesterday Tim’s mother found his shoes were worn out and told him to buy a new pair.But

he didn’t know how to choose right shoes.The woman had a sigh9叹息),gave him a shoe pattern(鞋样)and told him to buy shoes himself.With a policeman’s help,he found a shop.The shopkeeper brought some shoes and asked him to choose.When he was trying on pair,suddenly

he remembered something and took them off.The man was surprised and asked,“What’s the


“I’m sorry .I’ve left my shoe pattern at home.”

56.Tim_______when he comes home from school in the evening.

A.does chores             B.helps to cook supper

C.does nothing except doing homework D.has dinner at once

57.Tim’s mother was ill because ___________.

A.her husband went to London on business

B.she had to take care of her son by herself and she was too tired.

C.her son didn’t study hard and she was too angry.

D.she had to get up too early when her husband was at home.

58.Tim’s mother_______to help him choose right shoes.

A.gave him a book about buying shoes  B.asked a policeman

C.gave him a shoe pattern       D.called the shoe shop

59.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?

A.Tim’s parents don’t make him do any housework

B.Nobody can buy right shoes without a shoe pattern.

C.Tim’s father told his wife to look after their son well before he went to London.

D.Tim found the shoe shop with a policeman’s help.

60.What do you think of Tim’s parents?

A.They are the best parents of all.  B.They give their son too much love.

C.Theit love to their son is great and right. D.They feel tired and bored every day.



Born as the only child in the family, I am the king of the family. My parents are both businessmen and they come home every two weeks. Because they dont spend much time with me, they always feel guilty* and will buy me many expensive things and let me do whatever I want. My grandparents never let me do any chores because they want me to do my schoolwork.

?? I used to take everything for granted*. I never said thank you to people. As time went by, I found that my classmates didnt like me and my best friends left me. one day, I asked Leo, who used to be one of my best friends. He said that I was selfish, rude* and bad-tempered*. No one wants to make friends with a person who always receives but never gives anything! he said. I was shocked* at his words. Oh, no! Please dont leave me. I need friends! I will be lonely and unhappy without friends! I locked myself up in the room and cried. “I want my friends back. But how?

?? Then I noticed that all the popular kids in the class friendly to others. They always smile and say thank you to others. They do whatever they can to help when others are in trouble. Other kids like them and always play with them. “I need to change! I will get my friends back, I said to myself. From then on, I started to change myself. I learned to say thank you to others. I smiled and volunteered to help other kids. I tried to be as nice as I could. Gradually, I found that other kids liked to talk with me and they would ask me to play with them and even told me their secrets. My friends came back to me again.

?? Now I have more friends than I used to do and I am happier than I used to be.

1.Whats the boys life like at home?

A. His parents spend much time with him.????????????? ????????????? ?????????????

B. He has to do lots of housework.

C. He can do what he wants to do.?????????????

D. He does much more homework than other kids.

2.What did the boy do to change himself?

A. He learned to say thank you.

B. He always smiled at others.

C. He helped others as much as he could.?????????????

D. All of the above.

3.The underlined word gradually means ___________.

A. To begin with????????????? ????????????? B. Sometimes????????????? ????????????? C. In a word????????????? ????????????? D. Slowly

4.What can we infer(推断)from the passage?

A. To make more friends, you need to try to please them.????????????? ?????????????

B. A person who always received but never gives can still have many friends.

C. The boy lost his friends at first because he didnt like them.

D. To be a nicer and better person, we need to make some changes.


