He likes reading in a . 查看更多



  John is an English boy.He comes to China with his father and mother.They come here to work.John comes to study Chinese.

  He is in No.10 Middle School.He gets up early every day.He is never late for school.He studies hard.He can read and write English well.He often helps us with our English,and we often help him with his Chinese.After class,he likes playing football,swimming,running,jumping and riding.

  He makes many friends here.We're very glad to stay with him.

  On Sunday,he often helps his mother clean the house,mend(修理)something or do some shopping.He likes Chinese food very much.

  He likes living here.He likes the Chinese students very much.We all like him,too.


(1)John doesn't like Chinese food.

(2)After class,he likes singing and playing basketball.

(3)On weekdays,he often helps his mother clean the house.

(4)He gets up early every day.

(5)He often helps us with our English.



A:Hi,Tom!Do you like camels?

B:  1  How about you?

A:  2  And my father likes pandas too.Does your father like pandas?

B:  3  He likes tigers.What about your brother?

A:He likes lions.

B:Does your mother like lions,too?

A:  4  She likes monkeys.  5  

B:She likes elephants.







Dogs are people's friends. They will do anything their masters(主人)ask them to do and they do their duty very well.

   Curly is my black dog. He is big and strong. He is strong enough to carry me on his    56  . He likes running and playing with me. He likes to   57  .my father around in the fields, too.

   One day my father took off his coat. put it on the ground  58  a big tree and said to Curly. “  59  my coat.”

   Curly sat down on the coat. Then my father remembered he had to  60  dinner for the

Family.  61  he went home and forgot all about his coat and dog

   Late in the evening I  62  my dog and looked for him everywhere in the yard. I called, "Curly, Curly!" But Curly did not answer.

   Soon my father wanted something in his coat pocket(口袋). Suddenly he remembered   63  he had done. Quickly he went back to the big tree. What do you think he saw? Curly was   64  sitting on the coat! He was afraid someone would take it   65 .

56. A. hand      B. back        C. foot        D. leg

57. A. follow     B. put         C. go         D. run

58. A. for       B. under        C. to         D. from

59. A. Look      B. Listen       C. Watch        D. Hear

60. A. fix       B. discover      C. cook        D. tell

61. A. Because    B. So         C. Though       D. Or

62. A. hoped     B. rode        C. missed       D. saw

63. A. that     B. what        C. if         D. who

64. A. always    B. often        C. still        D. usually

65. A. away      B. in         C. down        D. for


Tom’s favourite food is meat. He likes meat ______.









  Where ________ you ________ ?


  Tom went to college ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ .


  He likes visiting friends ________ ________.


  He ________ ________ ________ after he left college.


    He ________ ________ in London in 1973.

