What’s this? E. Fine, that you. 查看更多



A: Are you (1)f_______ this Sunday?
B: Yes, I think so. Why?
A: (2)W_______ you like to go to the Palace Museum (3)w_______ me?
B: I'd love to. What can we see there?
A: We can see fine works of art there.
B: Oh yes! That (4)s_______ great. (5)W_______ shall we (6)l_______ in the morning?
A: We should go there before 9:00 am to (7)e_______ a full day there.
B: Well, that's fine. (8)H_______ can we get there?
A: Let's go by bus. It's a little (9)f_______ from here.
B: OK. I'll (10)m_______ you at the school gate at 8:00 am on Sunday.
A: See you then!



    A. I’ve gone to a paper factory.      B. That would be fine.

    C. That’s terrible!                D. Yes, of course.

    E. Good idea!                   F. The river has become very dirty.

    G. I’ve been to a paper factory.

Jack: Hi, Kate, What are you going to do this weekend?

Kate: I’m going to Wuhan.

Jack: Wuhan? 26            ?

Kate: Because there is going to be a match between China and Russia.

Jack: How wonderful!

Kate: Would you like to go with me?

Jack: I’d like to very much.27           ?

Kate: It’s a volleyball match.

Jack: 28           ?

Kate: It will be held in Wuhan Gym.

Jack: By the way, 29             ?

Kate: Let’s take the bus there tomorrow, shall we?

Jack: 30            . Good-bye!



    A. I’ve gone to a paper factory.      B. That would be fine.
C. That’s terrible!                D. Yes, of course.
E. Good idea!                   F. The river has become very dirty.
G. I’ve been to a paper factory.
Jack: Hi, Kate, What are you going to do this weekend?
Kate: I’m going to Wuhan.
Jack: Wuhan? 26           ?
Kate: Because there is going to be a match between China and Russia.
Jack: How wonderful!
Kate: Would you like to go with me?
Jack: I’d like to very much.27          ?
Kate: It’s a volleyball match.
Jack: 28          ?
Kate: It will be held in Wuhan Gym.
Jack: By the way, 29            ?
Kate: Let’s take the bus there tomorrow, shall we?
Jack: 30           . Good-bye!


One morning Jane made some sandwiches for her husband’s lunch. As there was a little meat left, she gave it to Henry, their little dog. Henry ate it up quickly.

During the morning the dog seemed ill. He couldn’t stop shaking his head, and he couldn’t stand straight. Jane thought the meat must have got bad. She began to worry about her husband’s health. So she called him at once.

“Jim,I hope you haven’t eaten any of those sangwiches,” said Jane. “I gave Henry the last piece of meat, and he’s ill now. If you’ve eaten those sandwiches, go ang see a doctor as soon as you can and take some medicine.”

At noon Jim returned home. He said he had taken some medicine but that made him very uneasy(不舒服的). The next morning Jim was fine. Henry seemed quite all right, too. At eight o’clock the milkman came with the milk. He asked Jane. “How is your dog this morning?”

“Well, he seems all right now, but…” said Jane.

“Yesterday morning he and I had an accident,” said the milkman. “He jumped at me, and I dropped a bottle of milk on his head.”

56. Jane made sandwiches for           .

A. Jim        B. herself       C. the family       D. the dog

57. When did Henry fall ill?

A.At breakfast time  B.At lunch time  C.Later in the morning  D.Before he ate a little meat

58. Why did Jane telephone her husband?

A. Because she was sure Jim had been ill.

B. Because Jim had asked for help.

C. Because she thought the sandwiches had bad meat in them.

D. Because Jim needed some medicine.

59. Henry got ill because          .

A. he had got a beating                B. he had a bottle

C. he had eaten some bad meat          D. wanted to get more sandwiches

60. Which is the right order of what happened(发生) to Jim and Henry that morning?

a. Jim came back home, feeling uneasy.

b. Jim received a phone call from his wife.

c. Henry became ill.

d. Jim went to the doctor and took some medicine.

e. The milkman dropped a bottle of milk on Henry’s head.

A.ebcad         B.ecbda         C.cbdae         D.cbaed


       One morning, Jim Reed checked his e-mail. He found a strange message on the e-mail. It was from a
woman in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. He had talked to her on e-mail many times in the last ten days. All the
other messages were fun and interesting to read, but this message was different.
       The message said, "Good-bye loved kowihn yu I amj leaving."
       Mr. Reed was frightened by the message. He tried to understand the words that were not spelled right.
He quickly wrote a message to his new friend. 
      "What do you mean by the message you just sent me?"
       He waited but did not get an answer. He wrote back, "Please talk to me."
       Finally, she wrote, "I am fallg asleep waht it say gildgye ti ny friends." Mr. Reed thought hard about
this message. "Is she going to kill herself?" he thought.
       "What is your phone number?" he typed. The woman sent a phone number. Mr. Reed called. At first the
phone was busy. Then it just rang and rang. He called directory assistance in Pittsburgh. They connected him
with the police. Reed told his story. Then he faxed them what his friend wrote.
        The police and paramedics quickly went to the woman's house. When she didn't answer the doorbell,
they broke in. They found her on the floor near the computer. She told them, "I took 60 pills." The paramedics
rushed her to the hospital.
        "Mr. Reed did a great job of saving this woman," the police captain said. "If he hadn't guessed at the
e-message, she would be dead now." The woman is fine now, and she thanks Mr. Reed for saving her life.
1. Mr Reed ___________.
[     ]
A. met his new friend by telephone
B. saw his new friend somewhere before
C. wrote e-mail to his new friend for ten days
D. talked with his new friend about strange things
2. The e-message he found was strange ___________.
[     ]
A. because the message was fun to read
B. because the message was interesting to read
C. because the words were not spelled correctly
D. because the message wasn't fun or interesting as usual
3. It was the woman's ___________ that saved her life.
[     ]
A. computer
B. friend
C. message
D. teleghone
4. We can infer(推断)that ___________.
[     ]
A. the woman will be Mr Reed's wife
B. the police will punish the woman for her foolishness
C. Mr Reed will be a policeman to save more people
D. the public will think highly of Mr Reed

